man pouring juice.

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Yemeni Workers-Sana'a Governorate.JPG © ILO-YEM-December 2022-Mohammed Ali Al-Jarbani

Since 2014, Yemen has suffered from violent conflict and political instability, which have given rise to the world’s most severe humanitarian crisis, thereby adding pressure on the country’s mounting challenges, including frail institutions and insufficient public services. LO’s interventions in the country have been focusing on building resilience and enhancing the livelihoods of the most vulnerable persons and communities, through the creation of short- and long-term sustainable employment, building the capacity of national institutions and access to basic services and decent work.

Latest news and stories

Hilal: A journey from vulnerability to empowerment
a young repairing appliances

Apprenticeship in Yemen

Hilal: A journey from vulnerability to empowerment

ILO Launches SIYB Training of Trainers Programme to Bolster Entrepreneurship in Yemen
a veiled lady discussing with 2 trainers during the SYIB training

ILO Launches SIYB Training of Trainers Programme to Bolster Entrepreneurship in Yemen

Projects and programmes

Supporting Resilient Livelihoods, Food Security and Climate Adaptation in Yemen, Joint Programme (ERRY III)

Supporting Resilient Livelihoods, Food Security and Climate Adaptation in Yemen, Joint Programme (ERRY III)

Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) and decent employment for women in Yemen

Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) and decent employment for women in Yemen


Taking the pulse of Social Protection in the Arab world: Insights and priorities ahead from the World Social Protection Report 2024-26

Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part VII

Taking the pulse of Social Protection in the Arab world: Insights and priorities ahead from the World Social Protection Report 2024-26


Assessment of Labour Migration Statistics in the Arab States

Regional Report

Assessment of Labour Migration Statistics in the Arab States

Access to social protection for Nepalese migrant workers in countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC).

Access to social protection for Nepalese migrant workers in countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC).

Picture of a book case.
All resources

All resources

Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Yemen and filter by topic or sector.

Tripartite partners

Work with us


Ali Dehaq

National Program Coordinator

ILO activities in Yemen are coordinated by the ILO in the Arab States Office, based in Beirut.

Aresco Centre - Justinien Street - Kantari
P.O.Box 11-4088 Riad Solh 1107-2150
Beirut – Lebanon

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