ILO Working Paper 134
Wages in African public administrations: Where do we stand?
By playing a key role in the provision of critical services, such as health, education or security, governments are crucial for the good functioning of societies and social justice. Governments have a dual role to play as employers and as the actor responsible for the good management of the economy. This document aims to provide a synthetic picture of the situation of the wages of African public administration employees, based on the latest data available, and to discuss
some of the current challenges for public-sector wage policies in Africa.
Additional details
- Guillaume Delautre
- Giulia De Lazzari
- Gustavo Rinaldi
- ISBN 9789220417034 (print)
- ISBN 9789220417041 (web PDF)
- ISBN 9789220417058 (epub)
- ISBN 9789220417065 (html)
- ISSN 2708-3438 (print)
- ISSN 2708-3446 (digital)
- DOI file: