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Vendor registration

28 August 2009

Content also available in: español français
The Century Project has two key objectives. The first is to share knowledge of the ILO's history and experience, highlighting the role of labour and labour-related issues at historic turning points. The other is to expand our focus to the field, which has been the testing ground of ILO ideas for nearly 100 years.
We encourage new perspectives on ILO history to complement institutional narratives, ask new and challenging questions, build an international engaged network linking labour experts and development specialists, and reach out to the wider public with innovative research.

Share your ideas, projects and feedback at ilocentury@ilo.org.

Vendor registration information

Vendors are invited to register with the ILO through the United Nations Global Marketplace - UNGM Knowledge centre.

As part of the registration procedure, vendors are required to identify the types and classes of goods and/or services that they actively sell or provide, using a standardized classification system known as the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC).

The UNGM registration system allows your company to register its name and area of expertise with the ILO. Registration through UNGM does not in any way constitute pre-clearance or pre-qualification for participation in an ILO procurement activity.

The ILO will use its best efforts to ensure that vendors registered through UNGM are informed of ILO procurement activities relevant to their area of expertise. However, the ILO is not responsible for any failure to contact vendors registered through UNGM.