Unveiling Champions Against Child Labour

Honoring Heroes in the Fight Against Child Labour

Unveiling Champions Against Child Labour in Kenya and Uganda

The Champions Against Child Labour publication celebrates the remarkable efforts of individuals and organizations in Kenya and Uganda dedicated to eradicating child labour. Produced by the CAPSA Project, implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, this publication highlights inspiring stories of grassroots advocacy, policy reforms, and innovative interventions.

Leading the Charge: Kenya and Uganda’s Champions Against Child Labour

ILO CAPSA Project Unveils Champions Against Child Labour in Kenya and Uganda
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The CAPSA Partners' Regional Knowledge Sharing and Closeout Conference marked the unveiling of the "Champions Against Child Labour." This recognition honored individuals who have contributed exceptionally to the fight against child labour in Kenya and Uganda. Their efforts, which encompass grassroots advocacy, education, legal reforms, and community mobilization, reflect a spirit of resilience and the potential for transformative change.

A Milestone in Advocacy and Action
The CAPSA Project, implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, has been a cornerstone of efforts to address child labour, forced labour, and violations of acceptable working conditions in Kenya and Uganda since 2019. By building government capacity and fostering strategic partnerships, the project has successfully enhanced legal enforcement, victim assistance, and public awareness.

During the conference, Champions from both nations shared their inspiring stories, showcasing how focused action and community engagement can pave the way for a child-labour-free future. These individuals were selected for their exceptional dedication and contributions, underscoring the importance of grassroots efforts in eradicating child labour.

How the Champions Were Selected
The selection process for the Champions Against Child Labour was thorough, as explained by CAPSA Project Manager Ms. Grace Banya. Initially, candidates were nominated, and from those nominations, individuals were selected based on their significant contributions in essential areas such as advocacy, policy reform, education, and grassroots mobilization. 

The criteria included:

  • Community Impact: Measurable outcomes such as reducing child labour in targeted areas, increasing school enrolments, and creating child-labour-free zones.
  • Innovation: Introduction of creative approaches to addressing child labour, such as utilizing digital platforms, community monitoring systems, and sustainable livelihood programs for families.
  • Collaboration: Demonstrated ability to work with diverse stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, and local communities, to address root causes of child labour.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Effective campaigns to educate the public on child labour laws and the importance of protecting children’s rights.

These champions were profiled in the CAPSA publication to serve as beacons of inspiration and catalysts for continued action against child labour.

Voices of Change: Quotes from the Champions

Empowering communities and creating awareness are crucial steps in breaking the cycle of child labour. Every child deserves a chance to dream and achieve.

Timothy Ekesa, Director, KAACR | Champion - Kenya.

As a former child labourer, my mission is deeply personal. Together, we can ensure no child endures what I experience.

 Birungi Kulsum, Victims Asst. Manager at the Human Trafficking Institute |Champion - Uganda.

The fight against child labour must be comprehensive, targeting harmful practices like early marriages and trafficking while offering alternatives like education and family reintegration.

Hon. Lilian Tsuma Lewa, Principal Magistrate at Kwale Law Courts | Champion - Kenya

We must empower communities to reject child labour while holding employers accountable. It is through vigilance and legal enforcement that we can build lasting change.

Mr. Waiswa Abubakar, District Labour Officer of Uganda’s Iganga District | Champion - Uganda

The Path Forward
As PS Shadrack Mwadime of Kenya's Ministry of Labour and Social Protection emphasized, "Through partnerships and resilience, we can envision a future where every child thrives without the shadow of exploitation."

The CAPSA publication captures the remarkable efforts of these champions and serves as a call to action for all stakeholders. It emphasizes the need for sustained collaboration, innovative approaches, and unwavering commitment to protect the rights and well-being of children.

The awarding ceremony was officiated by Uganda's Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Development, PS. Aggrey David Kibenge.

Champions Against Child Labour Unveiled
  Awarding Ceremony of Champions Against Child Labour during the CAPSA Partners' regional knowledge sharing and closeout conference.

For more information, please contact:

Joyce Macharia  
ILO Communications and Partnerships Assistant

See also

Kenya Joins Alliance 8.7 as a Pathfinder Country
Kenya Country Roadmap

A Bold Step to End Exploitation

Kenya Joins Alliance 8.7 as a Pathfinder Country

CAPSA Project Celebrating Wins
Celebrating the wins in the fight against child labour, forced labour, trafficking in persons and violations of acceptable conditions of work

CAPSA Partners' regional knowledge sharing and closeout conference

CAPSA Project Celebrating Wins