Trade Unions in transformation

The ACTRAV Trade Unions in Transformation Programme aims to support trade unions in navigating the complex and rapidly changing world of work by helping them adapt to transformations, anticipate future challenges, and strengthen their role in advocating for workers' rights and social justice.

Through knowledge development, awareness-raising activities, training and strategic foresight, the ACTRAV Trade Unions in Transformation Programme supports unions to adapt and engage in transformative action across different regions.

This Programme equips unions with essential resources and tools to support their own transformative journey, empowering unions to navigate challenges and build resilience while actively shaping their future in the shifting landscape of work

Trade unions have shown they can navigate complexity, uncertainty and change amid overlapping challenges and key transitions in the world of work, being adaptive and resilient forces for workers' rights and social justice. 

Maria Helena André, Director, ILO ACTRAV

The Programme includes:

  • Resources and tools: thematic studies, regional research, blogs, interviews, videos, an InfoStory, and a webpage are being developed.
  • Knowledge exchange: national and (sub-)regional webinars, workshops, and seminars are being organized to exchange experiences among unions and disseminate knowledge across regions.
  • Futures thinking: studies and workshops are supporting trade unions' strategic thinking.
  • Training: in collaboration with ITCILO, trainings on Trade Unions in Transformation are being organized.

Heads of State and Government and high level representatives commit to: "Leveraging () strategic foresight to ensure  long-term thinking and planning, and to develop and implement sustainable practices (), while making governance more anticipatory, adaptive and responsive to future opportunities, risks and challenges." - United Nations Summit of the Future

United Nations Summit of the Future, 22-23 September 2024

United Nations Summit of the Future, 22-23 September 2024

World leaders adopt a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations (A/RES/79/1).


How are trade unions adapting to changes in the world of work?

Trade Unions in Transformation

How are trade unions adapting to changes in the world of work?

Trade Unions in Transition: Interview with Maria Helena André
María Helena ANDRE, directora de la OIT-ACTRAV

Future of Work

Trade Unions in Transition: Interview with Maria Helena André

Interview with Mr Luc Cortebeeck, Former Chairperson of the ILO Governing Body
Luc Cortebeeck.jpg

Trade Union Movement

Interview with Mr Luc Cortebeeck, Former Chairperson of the ILO Governing Body

Training Courses at ITCILO

Training Courses at ITCILO

List of training courses available on the New Social Contract

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