Indonesian homeworkers and their families.

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Trade, Labour and FPRW in Southeast Asia

Promoting labour compliance and sustainability in export sectors

Indonesian homeworkers and their families. © Ferry Latief/ILO
Project details

31 March 2024 - 28 February 2029

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)


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Southeast Asia’s rapid economic growth, fueled by its export sectors, has not been matched by equal progress in labour rights. Violations such as forced labour, child labour, unsafe working conditions and restricted union freedoms are prevalent, especially in trade-related industries. 

The Trade, Labour and FPRW in Southeast Asia project seeks to tackle these issues by promoting compliance with international labour standards, particularly the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW).

Key Focus Areas

  • Labour rights compliance: Catalyzing policy dialogue on labour rights, including FPRW in trade policies and practice
  • Tripartite dialogue: Strengthening dialogue between governments, employers, and workers.
  • Gender and inclusion: Promoting gender equality and combating workplace discrimination.

Expected Impact

  • International Labour Standard compliance: Measurable improvements in international labour standards and worker rights enforcement in export sectors.
  • Gender empowerment: Enhanced gender equality and representation in labour dialogues and decision-making.
  • Regional integration: Stronger alignment of ASEAN initiatives with international labour standards.


  • Government: ASEAN Secretariat, national labour ministries.
  • Employers and Workers' Organizations: Trade unions, industry bodies.
    Judiciary Trade sectors.
  • Others stakeholders beyond ASEAN


For further information, please contact:

Selim Benaissa
Project Manager

Trade, Labour and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in South-East Asia: Promoting labour compliance and sustainability in export...
The factsheet's first page.


Trade, Labour and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in South-East Asia: Promoting labour compliance and sustainability in export...

New ILO project launched to promote compliance and sustainability of international labour standards in South-East Asia export sectors
ILO staff led by Deputy Regional Director Panudda Boonpala (2nd left) celebrate the launch in Bangkok.

Fundamental principles and rights at work

New ILO project launched to promote compliance and sustainability of international labour standards in South-East Asia export sectors