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Apprenticeships Development for Universal Lifelong Learning and Training (ADULT)

Towards lifelong learning and skills for the future of work: Global lessons from innovative apprenticeships

This report was compiled under the ILO’s research project – Apprenticeship Development for Universal Lifelong Learning and Training (ADULT) – funded by the Government of Flanders. The project aims to explore how apprenticeship systems are being modernised and transformed to promote and enable lifelong learning and decent work for youth, adults, and older workers (both employed and unemployed). The main report, Towards Lifelong Learning and Skills for the Future of Work: Global Lessons from Innovative Apprenticeships, synthesizes the topics of six individual thematic reports and three additional themes which are only featured in the main report. It explores how apprenticeships can enable people to acquire new skills and update existing skills throughout their working lives to keep pace with the fast-changing labour market demand.

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  • ISBN: PRINT 9789220381427
  • ISBN: PDF 9789220381434