Synthesis reviews and meta-analyses

ILO’s strategies and actions in Western Africa, 2018-2023: Synthesis review on lessons learned, what works and why


ILO’s strategies and approaches for the development and use of labour statistics for promoting decent work and social justice, 2018-23: Synthesis review on lessons learned, what works and why 


High-level evaluation of the ILO’s strategies and actions to promote fundamental principles and rights at work, 2018-23: Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: An ex-post meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2023


Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: An ex-post meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2022 

The aim of this meta-analysis is to present performance results related to the delivery of decent work outcomes from ILO development cooperation interventions, based on an assessment of all final independent evaluations conducted in 2022. It focuses on strategic relevance and coherence, effectiveness, sustainability and impact, and efficiency, as well as ILO cross-cutting policy issues. It is part of a series of decent work results assessments undertaken over the last ten years, enabling trend analysis and comparison across topics and regions over time.

High-level evaluation of ILO’s strategies and actions for promoting decent work in the rural economy (with a focus on rural employment), 2016-2023: Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations 

This synthesis review on the ILO’s strategies and actions for promoting decent work in the rural economy is prepared as an input into the forthcoming high-level evaluation on the topic.

Synthesis review of the ILO’s labour protection interventions since 2015: What works, for whom and why? 

This synthesis review on labour protection issues adds to learning and guidance on the topic and ultimately seeks to strengthen the ILO’s capacity to make evidence-based decisions from evaluation results. The synthesis review is prepared as an input into the International Labour Conference Recurrent Discussion on Labour Protection (111th Session, 2023).

Learning about gender mainstreaming: Progress and nuances in ILO work programs and ILO development cooperation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean during the period 2010 - 2021  

High-level evaluation of the ILO’s strategies and actions to promote fundamental principles and rights at work, 2018-23: Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations 

This synthesis review on the ILO’s strategies and actions to promote fundamental principles and rights at work is prepared as an input into the recurring discussion on the topic at the 2024 International Labour Conference.

The ILO’s post-conflict and recovery work in the Arab States region with emphasis on Iraq and Yemen (2019-2023): A synthesis review on lessons learned, what works and why 

This synthesis review on the ILO’s post-conflict and recovery work in the Arab States region is prepared as an input into the forthcoming high-level evaluation on the topic.

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: An ex-post meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2021-22 (partial) 

This meta-analysis includes all independent project evaluations completed in 2021 and a selection of evaluations from 2022. It assesses the extent to which decent work results have been achieved and the effectiveness of ILO’s operations by reviewing multiple independent project evaluations. For the first time, the report used reviews conducted on a rolling basis in order to produce results on a real-time basis and in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Synthesis review of the ILO’s employment interventions for the period 2015–2021: What works and why 

This synthesis review sheds light on ILO's work on employment interventions and is a background document for the third recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of employment at the International Labour Conference 110th Session, 2022

ILO’s response to the impact of COVID-19 on the world of work: Evaluative lessons on how to build a better future of work after the pandemic  

This synthesis review sheds light on the effectiveness of the ILO’s response to the devastating effects of the pandemic on the world of work through the evaluative lens. It examines key findings and lessons learned to consider for building a better future of work.

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: Meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2020-21 

This meta-analysis includes all independent project evaluations completed in 2020 and a selection of evaluations from 2021. It examines development effectiveness in the delivery of decent work results, by focusing on relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of results; and by providing evidence of results supporting achievement of decent work outcomes. A comparative approach is taken, drawing on findings from previous meta-analyses to assess recent trends in performance. Findings and recommendations aim to guide the ILO’s operational approach to development cooperation interventions.

Synthesis review of development cooperation projects for the independent high-level evaluation of ILO’s gender equality and mainstreaming efforts, 2016-2021  

This synthesis review is part of preparatory work for the high-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s gender equality and mainstreaming efforts, 2016-21

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: Meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2019-2020 

EVAL has conducted four biennial meta-analyses of independent project evaluations since 2011. These studies provide feedback on the ILO’s effectiveness in advancing decent work. Whereas previous studies focused on past performance, the most recent review incorporates a rolling assessment that yields results for the period 2019-2020. The analysis also incorporates a comparative approach to illustrate performance trends since 2013.

Social protection (social security) interventions: What works and why? Lessons learned from a synthesis review, 2012–2018 

This report presents the findings of a review of evaluation reports related to ILO interventions in the domain of social protection (social security) in the period 2012–2018. It aims to contribute to organizational learning, to provide guidance to ILO constituents on future work related to social protection (social security), and to strengthen the capacity of the Office to make evidence-based decisions from the findings generated during the analysis of the evaluation reports. Through the systematic analysis of results, lessons learned and good practices of selected evaluation reports, this synthesis review identifies what works, for whom, and why, in the context of ILO’s work on social protection (social security).

ILO’s Programme of Work in Support of Decent Work in the Andean Countries of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela 2016-2019 - Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations 

This synthesis review is part of preparatory work for the high-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s Programme of Work in Support of Decent Work in the Andean Countries of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela 2016-2019.

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: An ex-post meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2017-2018  

This meta-analysis, which is the latest in this series, examined a sample of 40 final, independent project evaluations conducted in the period 2017–18.The report is intended to contribute to optimizing the performance and effectiveness of ILO’s development cooperation strategies, approaches and projects.

ILO Decent Work interventions in global supply chains - A synthesis review on lessons learned; what works and why, 2010-2019 

ILO’s programme of support to SADC and to selected SADC member countries - Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations 

This synthesis review is part of preparatory work for the high-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s programme of work in four selected member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) (Lesotho, Madagascar, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania) 2014–18.

Formalization of the informal economy, 2014-2018 - Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations 

This synthesis review is part of preparatory work for the high-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s strategy and actions towards the formalization of the informal economy, 2014-2018.

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO development cooperation: A meta-analysis of project evaluations 2013-2016  

This meta-analysis represents the findings of an assessment covering final independent evaluations, which were completed between 2013 and 2016. The report is intended to contribute to optimizing the performance and effectiveness of ILO’s development cooperation strategies, approaches and projects.

ILO capacity development efforts 2010-2017 - Synthesis review of ILO project evaluations 

This synthesis review is part of preparatory work for the high-level independent evaluation of ILO’s capacity development efforts, 2010-2017.

Social dialogue interventions: What works and why? Lessons learned from a synthesis review, 2013–2016 

The report presents the findings of a synthesis review of ILO social dialogue interventions from 2013–16. The report is prepared in advance of the 2018 recurrent discussion of the International Labour Conference on Social Dialogue, and is meant as an accompanying piece to the recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of social dialogue and tripartism. It is based on an extensive review of evaluations, project documents and studies related to ILO social dialogue interventions with the aim of contributing to organizational learning. Findings from the analysis will strengthen the evidence base and inform the development and implementation of future social dialogue measures by the ILO and its constituents.

Effective Labour Protection for All: Lessons learned from a synthesis review, 2004–2014  

Background Paper for the Recurrent Discussion under the ILO Declaration on Social Protection (Labour Protection), 104th Session, 2015.

Delivering decent work results: A meta-analysis of 15 ILO Decent Work Country Programme reviews  

This is a meta-analysis of internally conducted evaluations of Decent Work Country Programmes carried out by regional offices. Recommendations propose ways to improve the quality of these internal evaluations to better inform on the progress of a DWCP and eventually provide useful data and input for independently conducted evaluations.

Decent work results of ILO employment promotion interventions: Lessons learned from evaluations, 2003-2013  

This synthesis review examines a range of ILO project and programme evaluations, as well as evidence-based studies from external institutions to highlight decent work results of ILO interventions in the promotion of employment.

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO technical cooperation: A meta-analysis of project evaluations, 2011-2012 

EVAL launched a meta-analysis of independent project evaluations in 2010 to provide feedback on the effectiveness and operational performance of technical cooperation. The istructive results shed light on the ILO’s technical and operational strengths and weaknesses in the design and implementation of technical cooperation. Building on experience from this 2010 study, and following an adjustment of the methodology, a new study was conducted in 2013.

Social Dialogue: What works and why? A synthesis review 2002-2012 

This synthesis review examines a range of ILO project and programme evaluations, as well as evidence-based studies from external institutions, to highlight successful interventions and identify challenges in the promotion of social dialogue in the workplace. The study demonstrates that the ILO is a leader in ground-breaking and innovative interventions in social dialogue. Based on the findings of the review, the authors conclude with some recommendations on sustaining the successes achieved thus far, as well as suggestions for addressing the challenges and improvements still to be tackled. [Spanish and French summaries are available]

Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: A meta-analysis of project evaluations, 2009-2010 

In mid-2011, the ILO Evaluation Unit (EVAL) synthesized the findings, conclusions and lessons learned from 59 independent evaluation reports completed in 2009 and 2010. The purpose of the study was twofold: to present a summary of evaluation results on ILO performance within the framework of the SPF 2010–15 based on a request from the ILO Governing Body to better synthesize information on Office effectiveness and achievement of results; and to establish a baseline, methodology and information system for reporting such results each biennium.

Meta analysis of lessons learned and good practices arising from nine Decent Work Country Programme evaluations 

In 2006, the ILO began evaluating the performance of its Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs). Between 2006 and 2009, six such evaluations were undertaken and evaluation reports published - covering Argentina, Indonesia, Jordan, Philippines, Ukraine and Zambia. The ILO commissioned this meta analysis in order to derive lessons learned and identify good practices arising from these evaluations.

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Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: An ex-post meta-analysis of development cooperation evaluations, 2017-2018