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Strengthening the Capacity of Social Partners in the Road Transport sector in Bulgaria and Romania to Engage in Effective and Constructive Social Dialogue at International, National and Entreprise Level

Project details

1 December 2008 - 31 March 2010

European Union

Marios Meletiou, Specialist (Transport & Ports), ILO Sectoral Activities Department

The aim of the project was to strengthen the capacity of the social partners and other institutions involved in the road transport sectors in Bulgaria and Romania to engage in a constructive social dialogue. The main beneficiaries of the project were the Workers and Employers in the road transport sector in the two countries. Through their ability to be engaged in effective social dialogue the Workers and Employers would promote and safeguard their working and living conditions at acceptable / European standards and achieve efficient and competitive operations of their businesses respectively.

The project partners were the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU).

The core activities comprised the design and holding of a national tripartite workshop in both countries. Special emphasis was given to relevant EU legislation and to local conditions, which were reflected in two local studies.
In addition, an international tripartite workshop on social dialogue in the road transport sector was held in Brussels, in which e.g. experiences from the social partners from Belgium and the Netherlands on social dialogue in the road transport sector were discussed.

The sustainability of the project would be secured through the availability of ILO training and other materials on social dialogue in the road transport sector in the local language, which local instructors can use to continue to train more locals.

The lasting impact and multiplier effect of the project will be guaranteed by the national ownership of the project, particularly through the National Tripartite Project Steering Committees (NTPSCs) that have developed National Plans so that the capacity building of the social partners on social dialogue the road transport would have long-range benefits.

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Project documentation - Bulgaria workshop

Project documentation - Romania workshop

Project documentation - Romania workshop

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Project documentation - Brussels workshop

Final report of the Project on Social dialogue in the road transport sector in Bulgaria and Romania

Final report of the Project on Social dialogue in the road transport sector in Bulgaria and Romania

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