ILO_Crozet_Older worker_Japan

Global challenges - Global solutions podcast

The Silver Tsunami: Are older workers the wave of the future?

There’s a new trend in the world of work. It’s called the “Silver Tsunami’, and it means more people are working past retirement age, either because they want to or because they must, to make ends meet. So, what are the implications of this trend for employers and enterprises? Podcast explores this issue, and how it will impact the world of work.

17 June 2024

© ILO/M. Crozet

There’s a new trend in the world of work…the growth of an ageing workforce. It’s called the “Silver Tsunami’, and it means more people are working past retirement age, either because they want to or because they must, to make ends meet. So, what are the implications of this trend for employers and enterprises? In this podcast, Roberto Suárez Santos, Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Employers, and Dorothea Schmidt-Klau, Chief of the Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch in the ILO’s Employment Policy Department, explore this issue, and how it will impact the world of work.

This podcast is also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


  • Photo of Roberto Suárez Santos
    Roberto Suárez Santos
    Secretary-General, International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
  • Photo of Dorothea Schmidt-Klau
    Dorothea Schmidt-Klau
    Chief, Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch, ILO Employment Policy Department

See also

Challenges and opportunities of an ageing workforce: A worker’s perspective
older people working on laptop

Challenges and opportunities of an ageing workforce: A worker’s perspective

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