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"SCORE4Climate" a new tool to promote more environmentally committed companies to achieve just transition in Bolivia

With the aim of reducing environmental pollution and improving efficiency in the use of resources in companies, the International Labor Organization (ILO) together with the Confederation of Private Businessmen of Bolivia (CEPB) implemented the new module "SCORE for Climate Action" at the national level.

20 November 2023

Content also available in: español
Bolivia - In response to a request from the Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CEPB), the ILO, through the SCORE Program, implemented in 9 companies nationwide the new module "SCORE for Climate Action'' (SCORE4Climate).

Bolivia becomes the first country worldwide to implement SCORE's new training pilot committed to climate action and corporate sustainability.

Under a virtual modality, the program was carried out between March and October 2023, with the aim of providing companies with the basic tools to move towards a circular economy, improve the working and productive conditions of their workers and contribute to environmental sustainability.

"We have realized the diversity of the program, its benefits and how it can be aligned to different business models" - Gabriela Pinaya, SCORE Expert Trainer.

Thanks to the demands of implementing the new SCORE4Climate module, Gabriela Pinaya, expert trainer, in coordination with CEPOB and the ILO, led a Training of Trainers (ToT) process in November 2023, for SCORE Program professionals to acquire tools to strengthen local companies with more environmentally friendly practices and promote better working conditions in a sustainable and low-carbon economy.

"This module is in high demand in the country and the fact that the SCORE Program itself supports the fact that the actions taken by companies will have economic and competitive advantages will add to climate action", said Daniel Hinojosa, SCORE trainer.

The ILO is currently joining efforts in initiatives that promote a just transition to greener economies, based on a business and governance model that responds to the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals for a better and more inclusive world (SDGs 8, 12 and 13).

In addition, the advocacy actions that the SCORE team in Bolivia has been carrying out during 2023 in the environmental working group of the Global Compact in Bolivia (GP), have allowed coordinating with CEPB and its Corporate Social Responsibility Unit (URSE), the process of adapting and updating the contents of the ILO RECP- Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production training module, in order to create, under a local and strategic approach for SMEs in Bolivia, the new module "SCORE for Climate" (SCORE4Climate).

See these success stories: Bagó | Sofía 

Identifying strategies to optimize the productivity of energy inputs through renewable options, while at the same time optimizing labor conditions, will allow the business ecosystem in Bolivia to move towards sustainable development, in which social justice and decent work are a fundamental axis.