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Resource page on Recommendation no. 205

Recommendation No. 205 on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience was adopted by the International Labour Conference in June 2017 following a two-year process of standard setting and tripartite consultations to revise and replace Recommendation No. 71 on Employment (Transition from War to Peace) of 1944. The new standard provides a unique normative framework focusing on world of work related measures to prevent and respond to the devastating effects of crises on economies and societies.
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Key resources

Background documents


Awareness raising and advocacy

Awareness raising and advocacy

Knowledge development and dissemination

Knowledge development and dissemination

Policy advice, technical cooperation and capacity development

Policy advice, technical cooperation and capacity development

International cooperation and partnerships

International cooperation and partnerships

Policy areas

Employment and income generation opportunities

Employment and income generation opportunities

Rights, equality and non-discrimination

Rights, equality and non-discrimination

Education, vocational training and guidance

Education, vocational training and guidance

Social protection

Social protection

Labour law, labour administration and labour market information

Labour law, labour administration and labour market information

Social dialogue and role of employers’ and workers’ organizations

Social dialogue and role of employers’ and workers’ organizations

Migrants affected by crisis situations

Migrants affected by crisis situations

Refugees and returnees

Refugees and returnees

Prevention, mitigation and preparedness

Prevention, mitigation and preparedness

International cooperation

International cooperation

From the 106th International Labour Conference

ILO adopts new Recommendation on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience

ILO adopts new Recommendation on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience