Regional Seminars for Labour-based Practitioners

The biennial Regional Seminars for Labour-based Practitioners bring together global stakeholders to discuss employment-intensive investments and local-level planning. These events facilitate knowledge exchange, mutual learning, networking, and South-South cooperation, focusing on labour-based technologies and pro-employment approaches.

4 May 2023

The Regional Seminars for Labour-based Practitioners have been a cornerstone event since 1990 for the Employment-intensive investment programme of the International Labour Organization (ILO). These seminars are held every two years, bringing together stakeholders from around the world to discuss and exchange views on employment-intensive investments and local-level planning. They offer a rich source of knowledge on the issues, challenges, best practices, and research findings related to the application of labour-based technologies. 


The main objectives of the seminars include: 

  • Facilitating the sharing of knowledge and experiences on state-of-the-art policies and practices relating to pro-employment and local resource-based approaches. 
  • Promoting mutual learning among participants and networking. 
  • Encouraging South-South cooperation 


The seminars attract a diverse audience, including ministers, policy makers, planners, researchers and academics, labour-based practitioners, NGOs/CSOs, and other interested stakeholders from Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. 


Over the years, the seminars have consistently provided valuable insights and fostered collaboration among practitioners and stakeholders, contributing to the advancement of labour-based approaches and employment-intensive investments. The seminars have evolved in scope and participation, offering an international platform for South-South learning on pro-employment practices and becoming a self-financing, nationally-owned and organized event. 

20th ILO Regional Conference for Labour-based Practitioners

20th ILO Regional Conference for Labour-based Practitioners

The 20th ILO Regional Conference for Labour-based Practitioners will take place from 19-23 May 2025 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The conference will focus on the theme “Resilient communities and healthy environment: the EIIP approach.”

Record of Regional Seminars since 1990

The proceedings and papers offer a unique rich source of knowledge on the issues, challenges, best practices and research findings on the application of labour-based technologies and local level planning.

Employment-intensive investment
Worker removing debris in the Philippines

Employment-intensive investment