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Regional Seminar on the New Social Contract in the Arab States (MENA) A Trade Union Perspective (Online)

The webinar aims to equip trade unions with the knowledge and tools they need to shape the new social contract and to promote decent work and social justice in the region.

Content also available in: العربية
New Social Contract in the Arab States (MENA) A Trade Union Perspective Opener
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The Arab States (MENA) region is undergoing significant socio-economic and political transformations, further accelerated by recent global events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed and deepened existing inequalities and vulnerabilities within societies. These developments build on a history of unrest, most notably the "Arab Spring" protest actions, during which millions of workers and citizens demanded decent work, human and trade union rights, and social justice. Among the key issues raised during these uprisings was the call for a new social contract. However, subsequent developments have largely voided these demands, leaving many underlying issues unaddressed.

The Arab Spring, which began in late 2010, marked a series of pro-democracy uprisings that challenged entrenched authoritarian regimes across the region. Sparked by the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, these movements inspired similar uprisings in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain. While some countries experienced regime changes and initial hopes for reform, others endured violent crackdowns, prolonged conflicts, or a return to authoritarianism. Today, political instability, economic hardship, and social repression continue to hinder progress toward equitable development and social justice.

Trade unions have a crucial role to play in shaping this new social contract. As the largest membership-based organizations in society, they must advocate for more inclusive and equitable economic policies and for a just transition towards a more sustainable economy. However, to effectively fulfill this role, trade unions need to adapt to the changing world of work and strengthen their capacity to represent and protect all workers including those in new and non-standard forms of employment as well as the informal economy.

A new social contract in the MENA region envisions a redefined relationship between the state,  and society as well as promoting greater policy coherence between economic, social and environmental development. It aims to promote inclusive development, social justice, and sustainable growth, ensuring all citizens have access to fundamental rights and services, including education, social protection, and decent work. Importantly, it must also address the high levels of informality in the labour market, which leave many workers without access to social protections, job security, or collective bargaining rights, further exacerbating vulnerabilities and inequalities. From a trade union perspective, such a contract established on the basis of social dialogue is critical to advocating for workers' rights, promoting fair labour practices, and ensuring economic growth translates into improved living standards for all. Despite facing challenges such as geopolitical tensions and wars, restrictive labour laws, limited bargaining power, and political repression, trade unions remain vital actors in the pursuit of social justice and sustainable development.

The rapid technological advancements and the global climate crisis further complicate this landscape. Digital platforms, artificial intelligence, and automation are reshaping labour markets, creating both opportunities and challenges. Precarious and Non-standard forms of employment are becoming more prevalent, often at the expense of job security, social protection, and workers’ rights. Similarly, the transition toward a green economy presents job creation opportunities but requires a just transition to ensure workers are not left behind.

The proposed regional seminar aims to address these complex issues by bringing together Arab trade union leaders, policymakers, representatives of employers’ organizations, academics, and civil society representatives. It will provide a platform for dialogue, learning, and strategizing to strengthen the role of the social partners in shaping and implementing a new social contract in their respective countries and at the MENA region level. The seminar will explore the failures of existing social contracts, focus on macroeconomic policies and technological change as key drivers of transformation, and emphasize the importance of social dialogue and collective bargaining. By fostering collaboration and shared strategies, the seminar aims to equip trade unions and other stakeholders with the tools and knowledge needed to promote decent work, social justice, and sustainable development.


  1. Provide a platform for regional dialogue among trade unions, governments, employers’ representatives, and academia in the MENA region on the evolving social contract in the context of changing economic, social, political, and environmental impacts, with a particular focus on macroeconomic policies and technological advancements.
  2. Facilitate the exchange of best practices and lessons learned regarding the role trade unions play in influencing policymaking and addressing recent economic and social challenges.
  3. Develop actionable recommendations for strengthening the role of tripartite constituents—governments, employers, and workers’ organizations—in shaping the new social contract.


The goal is to equip participants with the knowledge and tools they need to shape a new social contract in their respective countries and at the regional and international levels. This initiative will also contribute to strengthening the regional coalition for social justice and preparing for the Second World Summit for Social Development in 2025.

Tentative Programme:

The two-day webinar will consist of a series of sessions designed to facilitate in-depth discussions on a new social contract.

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