ILO Working paper 135

Protecting whistle-blowers in the public service: A global survey of whistle-blowing laws applicable to the public service sector

This paper provides an analysis of national laws relevant to whistle-blowers in the public sector across 67 ILO Member States.

It studies each national law through a selection of indicators derived from reference frameworks and guidance by inter-governmental organizations (e.g. UNODC, OECD) and global civil society organizations (e.g. Transparency International, the International Bar Association). 

It aims at drawing a picture of each studied member state’s approach to specific questions such as which public sector employees should benefit from a statutory whistle-blower protection, un­der which conditions and what such protection entails. 

The study concludes by observing that although enacting national laws protecting whistle-blow­ers is a relatively recent trend, such laws present a broad diversity of approaches which contrasts with the relative consistency of institutional recommendations.

Additional details


  • Maximilien Roche


  • 9789220412916 (print)
  • 9789220412923 (web PDF)
  • 9789220412930 (epub)
  • 9789220412954 (html)
  • ISSN 2708-3438 (print)
  • ISSN 2708-3446 (digital)
  • DOI:
Public service sector
Portrait of an office worker at his desk.

Public service sector