Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
The overall objective of the project is to make national and local labour markets more inclusive. The project seeks to ensure that labour market institutions at the national and local levels have improved capacities to design and implement, in partnership with the private sector and the civil society, inclusive policies and programmes for individuals at risk of social and labour market exclusion.
17 November 2018 - 31 December 2021
Development partner(s)
Austrian Development Agency
Ms Katarina Crnjanski-Vlajcic,Technical Officer through
Additional details
Access project dashboardSupport to the individual countries is provided through the Inclusiveness Facility, managed by the ILO in cooperation with UNDP and co-funded by the Austrian Development Agency and ILO. The Inclusiveness Facility provides an opportunity for the ministries in charge of labour and employment and the public employment services to receive technical assistance and guidance on highly specialised technical topics. This assistance will facilitate the work of the national institutions and enhance the inclusiveness of the labour markets in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.
*as defined by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244.