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Child working in the rice fields. Near Niamey, Niger

Private sector and non-state partners

© Marcel Crozet / ILO

56 projects

Private sector and non-state partners currently fund 56 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide

7th in top 20

Private sector and non-state partners rank 7th in the ILO list of voluntary funding contributors in 2022-23

US$ 42.9 million

Private sector and non-state partners have contributed US$ 42.9 million to ILO voluntary non-core funding in 2022-23


75% of private sector and non-state contributions come from private companies

How do PPPs and the ILO work together? 

Decent work benefits both societies and businesses. 

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a vital role in advancing decent work globally. These partnerships mobilize resources, knowledge and expertise by collaborating with enterprises and other non-state actors such as foundations, NGOs, training, research and academic actors. 

Adopting socially responsible practices leads to increased productivity, competitiveness, innovation in global supply chains and improved market access. 

The International Labour Organization (ILO) promotes PPPs as an effective and collaborative way of leveraging its values, principles and standards. The tripartite nature of the ILO has been critically important in fostering such partnerships.

Business Networks initiated by the ILO unite enterprises and other non-state actors to share knowledge and progress on specific issues collectively.

Who is partnering with the ILO?

Who is partnering with the ILO?

PPPs are being forged with diverse actors such as enterprises, philanthropic and business foundations, universities research centres, NGOs and other non-state actors.


Inditex joins ILO’s Global Business and Disability Network

Public private partnership

Inditex joins ILO’s Global Business and Disability Network

ILO delivers training courses on combating child labour to the field staff of the FERRERO Farming Values Programme

ILO delivers training courses on combating child labour to the field staff of the FERRERO Farming Values Programme

ILO, MoLSS and CAOBISCO Officials Pay Field Visits to Ordu and Samsun to Monitor Harvest Season Activities

ILO, MoLSS and CAOBISCO Officials Pay Field Visits to Ordu and Samsun to Monitor Harvest Season Activities

ILO Business Networks

Global Business Network on Forced Labour

Global Business Network on Forced Labour

Global Business and Disability Network

Global Business and Disability Network

Better Work Buyer Partnership

Better Work Buyer Partnership

Child Labour Platform

Child Labour Platform

Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors

Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors

Vision Zero Fund

Vision Zero Fund

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