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Bridging Skills Gaps for Sustainable Growth

ILO webinar

Bridging Skills Gaps for Sustainable Growth

Regional Seminar on the New Social Contract in the Arab States (MENA) A Trade Union Perspective (Online)
Za’aid Alemad- honey distributor and salesman in Yemen


Regional Seminar on the New Social Contract in the Arab States (MENA) A Trade Union Perspective (Online)

Setting future priorities for ASEAN: Leveraging labour market information for skills and employment policies
use of touch-screen computer to register and access information

Labour market

Setting future priorities for ASEAN: Leveraging labour market information for skills and employment policies

Tripartite solutions for social justice

Pathway to the second World Summit for Social Development

Tripartite solutions for social justice

Achieving Social Justice through inclusive social health protection

World Day of Social Justice

Achieving Social Justice through inclusive social health protection

Disentangling the Greening of the Labour Market: The Role of Changing Occupations and Worker Flows

Research Seminar

Disentangling the Greening of the Labour Market: The Role of Changing Occupations and Worker Flows

Abstract: Using a text-mining approach applied to task descriptions of occupations together with worker-level administrative data, we explore the growth in the greenness of employment in Germany between 2012 and 2022. We first show that the greening...

Closing the Strengthening Industrial Relations in Indonesia (SIRI) Project


Closing the Strengthening Industrial Relations in Indonesia (SIRI) Project

Social justice in the digital era: AI's impact on work and society

Social justice in the digital era: AI's impact on work and society

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will reshape the work landscape in different ways. AI-based technologies already have an impact on occupations and employment. They can be used to automate jobs, intensify monitoring or improve worker skills...

Rethinking economic transformation for sustainable and inclusive development

Book launch and discussion

Rethinking economic transformation for sustainable and inclusive development

Bangladesh study mission on skills development in the Philippines
trainees open an aircraft and learn how to repair

Skills development

Bangladesh study mission on skills development in the Philippines

22nd Regular Meeting of the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety (IACRS)

22nd Regular Meeting of the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety (IACRS)

 The Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety (IACRS) provides a forum for the Committee members and observer organizations to timely exchange information on their respective activities with a view to promoting consistency of policies and...

Virtual Career Fair “International Organizations” by the German Federal Foreign Office

Career Fair

Virtual Career Fair “International Organizations” by the German Federal Foreign Office

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and ...
Male worker using laptop amidst production line in juice factory

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and ...

UN, trade unions forge stronger partnership for decent work and sustainable development
a meeting with UN officials and trade union leaders

Workers organizations

UN, trade unions forge stronger partnership for decent work and sustainable development

James Bessen, Boston U.: What will AI do to our work?
AI image_futuristic

ILO Live

James Bessen, Boston U.: What will AI do to our work?

This event is organized as part of ITU's AI for Good Series.AI technologies have captured the public imagination and raised substantial fears. Many of these fears concern automation as some commentators claim that the large-scale elimination of jobs...

Study on workplace harassment and violence in Mongolia's public utilities sector released
pic 1.

Trade for Decent Work Project in Mongolia - Phase I

Study on workplace harassment and violence in Mongolia's public utilities sector released

Just energy transition community of practice for Asia - Advancing labour and social solutions

Online consultation workshop

Just energy transition community of practice for Asia - Advancing labour and social solutions

David Autor, MIT: Expertise, Artificial Intelligence, and the Work of the Future

ILO Live

David Autor, MIT: Expertise, Artificial Intelligence, and the Work of the Future

This event is organized as part of ITU's AI for Good Series.In the Information Age, many hoped that technology would level the economic playing field by making information widely accessible. Instead, it concentrated power among experts who use this...

Universal Health Coverage & Universal Social Protection: A joint agenda to improve health equity and well-being in the informal economy

Social protection

Universal Health Coverage & Universal Social Protection: A joint agenda to improve health equity and well-being in the informal economy

Taking the pulse of Social Protection in the Arab world: Insights and priorities ahead from the World Social Protection Report 2024-26
Foreign workers cut steel on a construction site in the UAE, 2021.

Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part VII

Taking the pulse of Social Protection in the Arab world: Insights and priorities ahead from the World Social Protection Report 2024-26