New training course on Violence and Harassment for Enterprises

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new training course designed to help businesses prevent and address violence and harassment at work! It is intended for delivery by employers’ organizations. This comprehensive course offers practical tools and strategies to build a safer, more respectful workplace culture for everyone.

Please access the training materials by visiting our resource hub for employers’ organizations

After taking the course, businesses will:
· Understand what constitutes violence and harassment in the world of work.
· Recognize the business case for tackling violence and harassment at work.
· Assess and manage the risks associated with violence and harassment at work.
· Identify and uncover cases of violence and harassment at work.
· Develop and implement effective enterprise policies and procedures to prevent and address violence and harassment at work.

Training materials include enterprise policy templates, risk management tools, posters, handy checklists and fantastic real-life business case studies on Argentina’s ArcelorMittal Acindar, South Africa’s GBVF Response Fund1 and Greece’s pharmaceutical company OFET.
With our sincere thanks to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) for funding this work.

Calling all employers