The Project has the objective of strengthening the capacities of governments, institutions and social actors to improve the governance of migration flows between Spain and selected origin countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Equator and Peru) from the Andean Community (CAN).
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Project details
12 January 2011 - 30 April 2012
Development partner(s)
Additional details
The Project has the objective of strengthening the capacities of governments, institutions and social actors to improve the governance of migration flows between Spain and selected origin countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Equator and Peru) from the Andean Community (CAN). With this purpose, the project foresees to establish an inter-sectoral co-ordination on labour migration in each country, organise information systems per country and elaborate and disseminate labour migration studies that will contribute to formulate policies aimed at adequately addressing migration and at fully expanding its benefits in countries of origin and destination, and lastly, serving as the basis to improving existing bilateral management frameworks.
On the other hand, the project would like to contribute to improving labour opportunities of potential women and men migrants through the improvement of their professional training and their competencies according to labour demand identified in Spain. The project will be working in close collaboration with training institutions of the countries of origin and of Spain promoting co-ordination mechanisms and co-operation agreements to establish bilateral agreements of recognition of diplomas and competencies between Spain and the countries comprised in the project.
Finally, the project will establish a support mechanism of voluntary return of immigrants. For this purpose, the project will elaborate a guide on labour market needs and business opportunities in each country of origin, compile information on successful experiences for the channelling of part of the remittances towards savings and the creation of micro-enterprises, and to formulate program proposals and campaigns oriented to promote savings capacity of immigrant workers. The project will also contribute to strengthening the capacities of public employment services in countries of origin to facilitate labour and micro-enterprise re-inserting of returned immigrants and will provide material to employment services in Spain for its wide dissemination among immigrants in Spain.
Main results of the project:
The MIGRANDINA project provided substantial contribution in defining labor migration policy in the Andean region. The project enhanced capacity of constituents through the increased number of policies on labour migration developed. It created of National Commissions on Labour Migration Management such as Peru’s Mesa Intersindical de Migraciones, Ecuador’s Comisión Mixta de Gestión Migratoria. Policies were developed through tripartite consultations, enhancing the knowledge of ILO constituents on labour migration and raising awareness of their role in migration governance e.g. in the case of Colombia, the Mesa Nacional Tripartita de Gestión Migratoria Laboral was created.
Capacity of trade unions to provide assistance to migrant workers was advanced (e.g. Peru’s adoption of the Plan Inter-sindical Migratorio, and Ecuador’s agreement to implement the Plan de acción en materia migratoria).
On the other hand, the project would like to contribute to improving labour opportunities of potential women and men migrants through the improvement of their professional training and their competencies according to labour demand identified in Spain. The project will be working in close collaboration with training institutions of the countries of origin and of Spain promoting co-ordination mechanisms and co-operation agreements to establish bilateral agreements of recognition of diplomas and competencies between Spain and the countries comprised in the project.
Finally, the project will establish a support mechanism of voluntary return of immigrants. For this purpose, the project will elaborate a guide on labour market needs and business opportunities in each country of origin, compile information on successful experiences for the channelling of part of the remittances towards savings and the creation of micro-enterprises, and to formulate program proposals and campaigns oriented to promote savings capacity of immigrant workers. The project will also contribute to strengthening the capacities of public employment services in countries of origin to facilitate labour and micro-enterprise re-inserting of returned immigrants and will provide material to employment services in Spain for its wide dissemination among immigrants in Spain.
Main results of the project:
The MIGRANDINA project provided substantial contribution in defining labor migration policy in the Andean region. The project enhanced capacity of constituents through the increased number of policies on labour migration developed. It created of National Commissions on Labour Migration Management such as Peru’s Mesa Intersindical de Migraciones, Ecuador’s Comisión Mixta de Gestión Migratoria. Policies were developed through tripartite consultations, enhancing the knowledge of ILO constituents on labour migration and raising awareness of their role in migration governance e.g. in the case of Colombia, the Mesa Nacional Tripartita de Gestión Migratoria Laboral was created.Capacity of trade unions to provide assistance to migrant workers was advanced (e.g. Peru’s adoption of the Plan Inter-sindical Migratorio, and Ecuador’s agreement to implement the Plan de acción en materia migratoria).