Worker at a recycling plant

Meeting of experts to adopt policy guidelines for the promotion of decent work in recycling

© Image by frimufilms on Freepik
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The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the topic of decent work in recycling at the global level. Recycling is a process within the circular economy that has the potential to yield wider economic, social and environmental benefits. The industry also intersects multiple sectors of the economy and may extend into the informal economy.

As such, a reference tool for the design and implementation of policies, strategies, legislation, administrative measures and social dialogue mechanisms to advance decent work in the process of recycling, which encompasses broad and diverse arrangements, should comprehensively cover all four strategic objectives of the Decent Work Agenda, as set out in the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization (2008), as amended in 2022. This would thus range from ensuring rights at work to generating green jobs and full and productive employment, promoting an environment conducive to sustainable enterprises, ensuring access to social and labour protection, facilitating transformations through the adoption of technology and innovation, as well as transitions from the informal to the formal economy while fostering social dialogue as the principal means of tripartite action. Illustrative examples from selected sectors would also capture effective legislative, administrative, industry and workplace good practices in order to guide practitioners in the application of the principles.

Basic metal production sector
Interior view of a steel factory, molten metal

Basic metal production sector

Chemical industries
Aluminum tanks for the storage of raw materials in the chemical industry sterile conditions in the enterprise

Chemical industries

Mechanical and electrical engineering sector
Woman worker on an electronic machinary

Mechanical and electrical engineering sector