Woman worker on an electronic machinary

Mechanical and electrical engineering sector


The electronics industry has become one of the largest and fastest-growing manufacturing industries, powering the fourth industrial revolution. More than 26 million women and men work in manufacturing and assembly of electronics hardware alone.

Technological advances, climate change and other megatrends are greatly affecting the number and types of jobs. The ups and downs in the electronics industry furthermore affect working conditions and the use of temporary employment. 

As e-waste has become one of fastest growing global waste streams, the ILO is promoting innovative approach to advance decent work in the management of electrical and electronic waste.


Meeting of experts to adopt policy guidelines for the promotion of decent work in recycling

Meeting of experts to adopt policy guidelines for the promotion of decent work in recycling

Advancing a just transition to a circular economy: Scaling up individual action to collectively driving systemic change

Circular economy

Advancing a just transition to a circular economy: Scaling up individual action to collectively driving systemic change

Global Dialogue Forum on Decent Work in the World of Sport

Global Dialogue Forum on Decent Work in the World of Sport


Renewable energy jobs hit 12.7 million globally

Renewable Energy and Jobs

Renewable energy jobs hit 12.7 million globally

Free advisory package helps electronics factories enhance social dialogue and working conditions

Free advisory package helps electronics factories enhance social dialogue and working conditions

Urgent action needed to better manage e-waste: ILO

Waste management

Urgent action needed to better manage e-waste: ILO

All publications

The future of work in the electronics industry – Advancing decent work in more inclusive, sustainable and resilient electronics supply...

The future of work in the electronics industry – Advancing decent work in more inclusive, sustainable and resilient electronics supply...

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Tripartism and social dialogue

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Challenges and opportunities to advance decent work in five countries and supply chains: A synthesis report

Challenges and opportunities to advance decent work in five countries and supply chains: A synthesis report


Circular Economy Action Agenda for Electronics

Pace Report

Circular Economy Action Agenda for Electronics

E-waste and employment in Argentina - Executive Summary (Abstract)

National report

E-waste and employment in Argentina - Executive Summary (Abstract)

The impact of procurement practices in the electronics sector on labour rights and temporary and other forms of employment

Working paper

The impact of procurement practices in the electronics sector on labour rights and temporary and other forms of employment

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Tripartism and social dialogue

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Related supply chains projects

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

Decent work in global supply chains

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

Decent work in global supply chains

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

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E-waste and employment in Argentina - Executive Summary (abstract)

E-waste and employment in Argentina - Executive Summary (abstract)

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Tripartism and social dialogue

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

ILO’s first ever meeting on e-waste adopts Points of Consensus to promote decent work in the sector

Waste management

ILO’s first ever meeting on e-waste adopts Points of Consensus to promote decent work in the sector

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC) in Thailand

Tripartism and social dialogue

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC) in Thailand