A worker in a greenhouse

ILO brief - just transition at the enterprise level

Making a Just Transition toward environmental sustainability a reality for SMEs

This brief provides an overview of the approach and impact of the SCORE4Climate Training and takes stock of two years of experience in implementing it. In particular, it zooms into the experience from Kyrgyzstan, Bolivia and Mauritius and highlights the good practices and lessons learned for operationalizing a just transition at the enterprise level.

Workers in a Greenhouse producing tomato and chili in Poncitlan, Mexico © BMF Media / ILO

As part of the Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Programme, SCORE4Climate Training takes an inclusive approach by bringing together workers and employers to collaboratively implement practical solutions for climate action. By seeking to also improve working conditions and productivity, SCORE4Climate thereby promotes a triple win for SMEs and their workers: Strengthening environmental sustainability, boosting business performance, and ensuring decent work for employees.

The brief is structured as follows: Chapter 1 provides the background and rationale of developing the SCORE4Climate Training. Chapter 2 serves as an introduction to the SCORE Programme and the SCORE4Climate Training, including the objectives, methodology and content. Chapter 3 zooms into the experience and results from the implementation of SCORE4Climate in Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan and Mauritius. Finally, Chapter 4 highlights the lessons learned based on the implementation of SCORE4Climate to date.

Additional details


  • Dominik Biesalski
  • Cheryl Chan


  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.54394/ZBRI5041

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