Madagascar has been a member of the ILO since 1960. Today, the country receives technical and financial support from the International Labour Organization in the implementation of its Decent Work Country Program to promote the creation of decent and productive jobs and improve and extend social protection for all.

Latest news and stories

Building social justice in Madagascar: the ILO and its partners working as one
Une salle remplie de participants assis, écoutant un intervenant debout à un podium portant le logo de la Primature malgache. En arrière-plan, des drapeaux de l'ONU et de l'OIT, ainsi que des panneaux présentant des initiatives et projets liés au travail décent. À gauche, des bannières affichant des slogans sur le travail et la justice sociale.

Building social justice in Madagascar: the ILO and its partners working as one

ILO celebrates the achievements of 67 young persons with disabilities ready to integrate the world of work
Mdm Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa, Directrice régionale de l'OIT pour l'Afrique, se tient aux côtés des jeunes diplômés du Centre National de Formation Professionnelle pour les Personnes en Situation de Handicap (C.N.F.P.P.S.H.)

ILO celebrates the achievements of 67 young persons with disabilities ready to integrate the world of work

Projects and programmes

HIMO Routes/DEFIS Project in Madagascar

HIMO Routes/DEFIS Project in Madagascar

HIMO Bâtiments in Madagascar


HIMO Bâtiments in Madagascar


Employment impact assessment of the Talaky Be project in Madagascar


Employment impact assessment of the Talaky Be project in Madagascar

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

All resources

All resources

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Towards more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains

Towards more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains


ILO Country Office for Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles

Maison commune des NU
Zone Galaxy Andraharo
Antananarivo 101

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