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On-line resource kit: construction

3 April 2019

Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155) 

Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 

Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) 

Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988 (No. 175) 

ILO Code of Practice: Safety and Health in Construction
The objective of this code is to provide practical guidance on a legal, administrative, technical and educational framework for safety and health in the construction sector.

Conducting Labour Inspections on Construction - A guide for labour inspectors 
The objective of this guide is to assist labour inspectors fulfil their inspectorial function by providing information, in a user friendly format on, a suggested methodology for conducting inspections of construction activities; from planning to reporting on the inspection, as well as providing technical information which labour inspectors can supply to employers and workers, so as to ensure “Decent Work”.

Good Practices and challenges in Promoting Decent Work in Construction and Infrastructure projects
Issues paper for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum on Good Practices and Challenges in Promoting Decent Work in Construction and Infrastructure Projects.

Global Dialogue Forum on Good Practices and Challenges in Promoting Decent Work in Construction and Infrastructure Projects - Final report of the discussion

Building a preventative safety and health culture in construction, a guide to the Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) and Recommendation (No. 175)

Safety, health and welfare on construction sites: A training manual 
This manual, a revised and expanded version of a 1990 edition, will help consider safety, health and welfare conditions on construction sites in and learn about possible solutions to the encountered problems. It has been developed primarily for construction site workers, their representatives and the workers’ immediate supervisors.

Training package in occupational safety and health for the construction industry 
This digital training package - ILO Construction Occupational Safety and Health (OS&H) - aims to address the shortage of comprehensive construction safety training materials in the public domain.

Other information can also be found under construction sector, and under Occupational safety and health in construction.