A woman worker collecting reeds in a field, in Lebanon

Country Portal


© ILO/ Elisa Oddone/ Lebanon/ October 2023

Lebanon is hosting the ILO Regional Office for Arab States, and the ILO has an active programme of collaboration with the constituents in the country, focused around social protection and employment for the most vulnerable. For over a decade, the country has hosted a large number of Syrian refugees and is currently experiencing a deep socio-economic crisis. More recently, Lebanon is facing a significant displacement crisis due to the armed conflict that has intensified since late September 2024. Upon the request of the Government, ILO contributes to the emergency response, in line with the ILO’s role in the humanitarian–development–peace nexus. The focus is on expanding access to social security and linking cash assistance to national systems, as well as on the immediate creation of short-term jobs in services to the displaced population. At the same time, the ILO and constituents are looking ahead to ensure a strong Decent Work focus in the eventual recovery that will get underway.

On September 29, 2024, people inspect the debris of buildings destroyed by airstrikes on the 27th, which targeted the Haret Hreik neighborhood in Beirut's southern suburbs.
ILO Contribution to Lebanon Emergency Response

ILO Contribution to Lebanon Emergency Response

The ILO’s Emergency Response Plan, aligned with the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, mitigates the impact of the conflict on residents by advancing social protection, decent work opportunities and economic sustainability in the longer term.

Latest news and stories

Agricultural infrastructure revamp transforms Lebanon, one greenhouse at a time
woman farmer inside a green house

Photo Essay

Agricultural infrastructure revamp transforms Lebanon, one greenhouse at a time

High-Level delegation highlights success of ILO's EU-funded ENABLE Project in Beirut
Introductory meeting with the municipality, implementing partner COOPI, and financial skills provider AEP.

High-Level delegation highlights success of ILO's EU-funded ENABLE Project in Beirut

Projects and programmes

Promoting employment and training for youth NEETs in the Southern Mediterranean

Promoting employment and training for youth NEETs in the Southern Mediterranean

Building Inclusive Markets and Decent Work for Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Communities (BOUZOUR)


Building Inclusive Markets and Decent Work for Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Communities (BOUZOUR)


Taking the pulse of Social Protection in the Arab world: Insights and priorities ahead from the World Social Protection Report 2024-26

Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part VII

Taking the pulse of Social Protection in the Arab world: Insights and priorities ahead from the World Social Protection Report 2024-26


Brazil-Lebanon South-South cooperation in key sectors: The way forward in the world of work

Brazil-Lebanon South-South cooperation in key sectors: The way forward in the world of work

Recruitment mechanisms and working conditions for workers in the agriculture sector in Lebanon

Recruitment mechanisms and working conditions for workers in the agriculture sector in Lebanon

Picture of a book case.
All resources

All resources

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Work with us


Joumana Karame

Programme Analyst
Regional Programme Services for Lebanon

ILO activities in Lebanon are coordinated by the ILO in the Arab States Office, based in Beirut.

Aresco Centre - Justinien Street - Kantari
P.O.Box 11-4088 Riad Solh 1107-2150
Beirut – Lebanon

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