ILO Working Paper 133
Labour market trajectories, social protection and the green transition in France and Viet Nam
This working paper explores labour market transitions to green jobs in France and Viet Nam, analyzing the role of social protection in facilitating these shifts. By adopting a task-based definition of green occupations, it examines the impact of unemployment benefits and social security on worker mobility, with a focus on age, sex, education, and national development levels.
This study investigates labour market transitions to green occupations in France (2017–2021) and Viet Nam (2021–2022) using the longitudinal dimension of labour force surveys in the two countries. According to a task-based definition of green jobs derived from the ISCO-08 classification, our findings show that 21.5 per cent and 15 per cent of workers in France and Viet Nam, respectively, are employed in green jobs. In particular, education appears to have a substantial impact on the transition to green occupations, suggesting that investment in skills may facilitate green transitions in the labour market. Moreover, women are less likely to transition to green jobs than men. Finally, our findings highlight the role of social protection systems, in particular unemployment insurance, in supporting green transitions in the labour market.
Additional details
- Anil Duman
- Sevane Ananian
- ISBN 9789220413876 (print)
- ISBN 9789220413883 (web PDF)
- ISBN 9789220413890 (epub)
- ISBN 9789220413913 (mobi)
- ISBN 9789220413906 (html)
- ISSN 2708-3438 (print)
- ISSN 2708-3446 (digital)
- DOI: