Yaoundé City center. Cameroon

ILO Office in Yaoundé

The Decent Work Team (DWT) for Central Africa and ILO Country Office for Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea is based in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

© Michael Jeddah / Flickr

The ILO Yaoundé office was established in 1967 with a mandate to oversee ILO activities and relations with its members in Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea. It works under the responsibility of the Regional office for Africa, based in Abidjan, to promote decent work and social justice across the continent.

Country Office Director

  • Photo of Claude Yao Kouame
    Claude Yao Kouame
    Director, ILO Country Office for Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea

Contact the ILO Office in Yaoundé

Rue Nkol-Eton - BP : 13