
ILO Office in Kinshasa

The ILO Country Office for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon is based in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

© Michael Jeddah / Flickr

The ILO Kinshasa office was established with a mandate to oversee ILO activities and relations with its members in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon. It works under the responsibility of the Regional office for Africa, based in Abidjan, to promote decent work and social justice across the continent.

Country Office Director

  • Photo of Nteba Soumano
    Nteba Soumano
    Director, ILO Country Office for Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon

Contact the ILO Office in Kinshasa

Building LOSONIA,
Boulevard du 30 juin,
en face de la Regideso - B.P.
7248 Kinshasa - RD Congo