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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 June

This issue, first and foremost, reports on ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. The ILO, with the support of its funding partners, repurposed several projects in Ukraine to respond to the most urgent humanitarian and employment-related needs. The newsletter introduces programme results and new projects. fresh publications and new staff.

Read the full issue online


The main focus of ILO CEE at this time is responding to the crisis in Ukraine caused but the aggression of the Russian Federation, triggering losses in employment and incomes, in addition to the humanitarian crisis. The ILO, with the support of its funding partners, quickly repurposed several projects in the country to meet the most urgent needs. A new project page describes the response as well as the funding needs. 


Nearly 5 million jobs have been lost in Ukraine since the start of the Russian aggression, says the ILO
The war against Ukraine is causing massive reductions in employment in the eastern European country. The ILO estimates that 30 per cent of jobs have been lost since the start of the Russian aggression. 

Prevention through information: ILO campaign on Ukrainian railways to prevent labour exploitation among refugees

The ILO and the State Labour Inspectorate of Ukraine came through with an information campaign on Ukrainian railways that warns people on the move about situations that may lead to labour exploitation. 

Education under fire: Vocational training and education in Ukraine during times of war−The example of Sumy region
Interview with Natalia Samoilenko, director of the Methodological Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Sumy, Ukraine, about the war losses of TVET, ongoing education and prospects for vocational education during the war. 

How does the UN support Ukrainian refugees in Moldova? Interview with Simon Springett, UN Resident Coordinator

ILO interviewed Simon Springett, UN Resident Coordinator in Moldova about how the UN assists Ukrainian refugees in the country. 


What works in youth employment? Results from an impact assessment of Montenegro’s largest internship programme for university graduates
At the request of the Montenegrin Government the ILO helped to assess the impact of the graduate support programme and found no direct gains from participating in terms of employment or wages. 

North Macedonia: Raising the minimum wage to combat working poverty
Almost one out of five workers in North Macedonia will benefit from the minimum wage increase which took place with ILO technical assistance. 

“Virtual” is now a TVET training reality in North Macedonia
In North Macedonia, the ILO and partners introduced for the first time a virtual reality training for 300 future electrotechnicians in five vocational schools across the country. 

Social protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina is at a crossroads
The recent ILO report says that the social protection system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is facing formidable challenges stemming from insufficient investment in closing the social protection gaps, inefficient resource allocation, and persistent inequalities, particularly in terms of gender. 

Albania faces a growing need of long-term care for its elderly population
Less than 2 per cent of elderly in Albania receive formal long-term care services and most of them rely on family members, in particular unpaid female carers. With a rapidly ageing population and continual out-migration, Albania is facing an imminent challenge to ensure access to affordable and quality care services for all elderly in need. 


Laying the foundation for safer workplaces in Kosovo
The Embassy of Sweden in Kosovo and the ILO signed a project agreement on promoting safety at work in Kosovo. 

Relocation of businesses to safer areas in Ukraine
GIZ recently provided additional funds to support the relocation of businesses to regions behind the frontlines. 


Violeta Vrabie, ILO Project Coordinator Local Employment Partnerships in Moldova explains latest results and speaks about what she finds most rewarding in her work. 


Long-term care for the elderly in Albania: Challenges and key policy issues (also in Albanian)

Issues in Social Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina: coverage, adequacy, expenditure and financing (also in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian)

Performance monitoring of the active labour market programmes implemented by the Employment Agency of Montenegro (also in Montenegrin)

Impact evaluation of the Professional Training for Graduates (PTG) programme of Montenegro (also in Montenegrin)


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  • ISSN: 2304-2419