Group of apprentices in front of the underground exploration tunnel in Guyana
© DPI Guyana

Guyana joined the International Labour Organization (ILO) on 8th June 1966, marking a significant commitment to promoting decent work and labour rights. Over the years, the ILO has actively engaged in Guyana, providing technical assistance and interventions in various critical areas. These include improving the climate of industrial relations and social dialogue, offering support in the creation of a modern and responsive labour administration system, and promoting a coherent and integrated national social protection system. 

Additionally, the ILO has focused on capacity building for employers' and workers' organizations, fostering the creation of green jobs and promoting decent work, as well as enhancing technical and vocational education and training initiatives in the country.

Latest news and stories

Guyana tripartite partners complete Decent Work Country Diagnostic and advance towards finalization of next DWCP
Group working on DWCP Guyana

Guyana tripartite partners complete Decent Work Country Diagnostic and advance towards finalization of next DWCP

Twenty Caribbean trade union representatives better prepared to utilize ILS following ILO training

Twenty Caribbean trade union representatives better prepared to utilize ILS following ILO training

Labour statistics information dashboard with overlay of workers
Labour statistics

Labour statistics

Guyana labour market statistics for the last year from ILOSTAT Database

Group with hands together symbolizing collaboration, teamwork, partnership and goals
ILO Development cooperation dashboard

ILO Development cooperation dashboard

All Programmes and projects in Guyana

Projects and programmes

ILO programme of targeted technical assistance to Guyana, Saint Lucia and Dominica for a just transition to environmentally sustainable...

Caribbean Resilience Project

ILO programme of targeted technical assistance to Guyana, Saint Lucia and Dominica for a just transition to environmentally sustainable...

Caribbean Virtual Policy Network on Youth Education and Employment (VPNYEE) Initiative

Youth Employment

Caribbean Virtual Policy Network on Youth Education and Employment (VPNYEE) Initiative


Skills needs intelligence to inform migration policy and governance

Seven country cases review

Skills needs intelligence to inform migration policy and governance

Employment trends for youth in the Americas

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024

Employment trends for youth in the Americas

Man using a touch virtual screen to search digital resources
All resources

All resources

Browse and filter all resources from or about Guyana on the ILO website

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