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Burkina Faso

Green Jobs Assessment Model: Sustainable Tourism in Burkina Faso

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This report sets out to analyse the social and employment impacts of the national strategy for sustainable tourism in Burkina Faso. It also assesses the long-term impact of conflict on the economy, and, projecting a scenario of political stability, evaluates the potential of tourism to drive economic growth. The Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM), based on data from the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Supply-Use Tables (SUT) of the national economy for the year 2019, was used to analyse the effects of the national strategy on employment and greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, a baseline of past economic development was built, used to project economic development up to 2032, and then compared to two scenarios: “the sustainable tourism scenario” and the “international sustainable tourism scenario”. Both scenarios follow the national tourism strategy with increased investments in value chain services, luxury tourism and ecotourism; notably in the protection of natural and cultural heritage, the efficient management and recycling of water, the development of tourist infrastructure and research projects on sustainable tourism. These investments are expected to lead to long-term structural change in the tourism industry itself as well as across the entire economy.

This green jobs modelling report was produced by the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), at the request of the Government of Burkina Faso, on behalf of the Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism. It received invaluable financial support from PAGE and was the work of several stakeholders.