A boy in a green work jacket and black beanie stands confidently in a workshop surrounded by tools neatly arranged on a blue wall.

Global Skills Programme

The programme implementing the ILO Skills and Lifelong Learning Strategy

Ibrahim attending apprenticeship program in Konya under the Opportunities for Lives Project run by ILO Turkey Office © Berke Araklı /ILO

In today’s fast changing world, investment in skills development is essential. Skilling, reskilling and upskilling individuals, enterprises, and economies are critical for shared benefits. Resilient skills systems built on social dialogue and strong institutions are needed to deliver the skills required for today and for the future. 

To be more effective and inclusive, skills systems must ensure access to high-quality, agile and relevant lifelong learning opportunities for all, in partnership with employers. Key elements include work-based learning, sectoral approaches, skills intelligence, skills recognition and career development systems fostering human development, productive employment and decent work for all. 


The Global Skills Programme develops and delivers services at global, regional and country levels. The full programme covers 61 countries, with partners supporting different elements of the programme. 

The Global Skills Programme supports ILO constituents and demonstrates ILO global leadership on skills through: 

  • Policy advice, capacity development and technical support 
  • Research, knowledge management and dissemination 
  • Resource mobilization 
  • Standards-related action and 
  • Partnerships in skills and lifelong learning 


It is based on five thematic pillars that constitute ILO’s technical expertise on skills and lifelong learning: 

Skills and lifelong learning
Woman in white long sleeve shirt using black laptop computer photo

Skills and lifelong learning