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Child labour
Global research on child labour measurement and policy development (MAP) Project
The MAP project aims at building critical knowledge and capacity for accelerating progress against child labour in targeted countries by supporting data collection and analysis on working children, child labor, and child labor in hazardous work at a national level in 9 countries and at sectorial level in one country, while building the capacity of host governments to conduct future data collection, research and analysis in these areas; and at updating core indicators on children's work and education in approximately 100 countries based on the availability of new survey datasets.
Development Objective
The Development Objective of this project is to build critical knowledge and capacity for accelerating progress against child labor in targeted countries.
Improved information on working children, child labor, and child labor in hazardous work in each target country or sector through data collection and in-depth analysis.
Improved information about existing policy and programmatic frameworks to combat child labor at the national or sector level and priority areas for additional action.
Increased capacity of national statistical to collect and analyze nationally-representative data on working children and child labor, including the worst forms of child labor.
Improved access to up-to-date, public-use statistics on core child labor and education indicators.