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Global Ratification Campaign on Convention No. 102

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is implementing a global campaign to promote the ratification of Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No.102) for the period 2021-2026.

The Campaign aims to support countries in the progressive realization of universal social protection systems, including floors, based on the core principles and minimum benchmarks provided by international social security standards.

The Campaign could not be more timely. The Covid-19 pandemic indeed exposed deep-seated inequalities and significant gaps in social protection coverage, comprehensiveness and adequacy across all countries.
The campaign has two objectives:
  • Promote the ratification and effective implementation of Convention No. 102 and other up-to-date ILO social security standards by way of comparative assessments between national social security legislation and practice and the minimum criteria and key good governance and financing principles established by the Convention; and
  • Raise awareness and build capacities of national stakeholders to design and implement sound national social protection policies and rights-based social protection systems that are sustainable, comprehensive and adequate for all, anchored in ILO social security standards.
ILO social security standards are a global reference for the design of comprehensive, rights-based and sustainable social protection systems placed under the overall and primary responsibility of the State which provides adequate benefits. ILO Constituents have unambiguously turned to them to guide the development social protection systems: design and implement social security policy and legal frameworks, establish sound and participatory administrative and financial governance rules as well as effective complaint and appeal mechanisms.

Convention 102 is ILO’s flagship social security convention providing the internationally agreed minimum definition of what social security systems should encompass and pursuant to which  principles it should be organized and implemented. It has so far been ratified by 63 countries but its influence and impact indeed stretch much further that the number of current ratifications as it has been the blueprint behind the development of national social protection systems as well as the yardstick for the implementation of international and regional human rights instruments. 

The Global Campaign ambitions to bring the number of ratifications to 70 in 2026 by partnering with interested ILO constituents with a view to organize tripartite + awareness-raising activities at the national level on the merits of international social security standards to build strong and rights-based social protection systems, carry out comparative assessments between the national legal social protection frameworks and the requirements of Convention No.102 and have these discussed by Government, employer and worker representatives with a view identifying potential ratification prospects and charting the way towards the ratification.

For more information about the Campaign, please contact socpro@ilo.org.

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