The future of work in the automotive industry: The need to invest in people’s capabilities and decent and sustainable work

Issues paper for the Technical Meeting on the Future of Work in the Automotive Industry (Geneva, 15-19 February 2021)

Content also available in: español français
This issues paper has been prepared by the International Labour Office as a basis for discussions at the technical Meeting on the Future of Work in the Automotive Industry (Geneva, 15-19 February 2021). Chapter 1 contains a brief overview of the automotive industry today in terms of its structure; vehicle production and sales; and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP), world trade and employment. Chapter 2 sets out the megatrends and drivers of change that will transform the industry in the future, with a focus on technological advances, globalization, demographics and climate change. Chapter 3 describes the challenges and opportunities for decent and sustainable work in terms of employment; skills and lifelong learning; social protection and conditions of work; fundamental principles and rights at work; and social dialogue.