woman behind her stall selling fruit on a market

France – ILO Partnership

© Marcel Crozet / ILO

14 projects

France currently funds 14 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide

US$ 12.3 million

France has contributed US$ 12.3 million to ILO voluntary non-core funding in 2020-23

France is a key partner of the ILO in advancing decent work and social justice worldwide. 

The ILO works closely with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) to support youth employment, innovation and impact insurance in Africa as well as with the French Ministry of Labour on several projects promoting gender equality, a just transition and the elimination of child labour and forced labour through the Alliance 8.7.

In addition to its contributions for specific programmes and projects, in 2022-23, France contributed over US$ 0.5 million to the ILO Regular Budget Supplementary Account, allowing the Office to allocate these funds flexibly when and where they are most needed.  

Furthermore, the ILO benefits from French expertise through the country’s participation in the Junior Professional Officer programme and professional secondments, including from France Travail. 

For more information see France Country portal. 

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Projects funded by France


Projet: Building Social Protection Floors for All - Phase II

Projet: Building Social Protection Floors for All - Phase II

Projet: Lutte contre la violence et le harcèlement dans le monde du travail & Égalité de rémunération et de carrière entre les hommes et...

Projet: Lutte contre la violence et le harcèlement dans le monde du travail & Égalité de rémunération et de carrière entre les hommes et...

Projet ACJEMP: Accompagnement et Coaching des Jeunes et renforcement de leur Employabilité

Projet ACJEMP: Accompagnement et Coaching des Jeunes et renforcement de leur Employabilité