young girl breastfeeding at work Angola

Expanding Social Security to Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy

young girl breastfeeding at work Angola © Unicef
Content also available in: Português
Project details

1 July 2023 - 30 June 2027

4 775 000 EUR

European Union

NDICI AFRICA 2023/445-167 (CRIS)

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Stay tuned!

Award Ceremony of National Prize for Journalism in Social Protection (date to be confirmed)
Award Ceremony Journalism Social Protection Angola

Award Ceremony of National Prize for Journalism in Social Protection (date to be confirmed)

Call for Expression of Interest - Evaluability assessment of the ESSAFE Angola project’s M&E framework

Call for Expression of Interest - Evaluability assessment of the ESSAFE Angola project’s M&E framework


Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics
Sala Lançamento do Boletim de Estatísticas da Protecção Social Angola

Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics

ILO promotes Round Table on Social Protection in Angola
members of the panel of the Roundtable in front discussing on social protection

ILO promotes Round Table on Social Protection in Angola

About the ESSAFE Project

The Project on Expanding Social Security to Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy, funded by European Union and implemented by ILO, contributes to the Government of Angola’s goal of formalizing the economy in line with the Government’s national priority to promote decent jobs for all and diversify the economy. 

Under the outcome "Angola’s Contributory Social Security coverage and benefits expanded", the Project envisages the following outputs:

1. The process of decision-making of the Government concerning social security issues is enhanced;

2. Angola Social Security Institute (INSS) capacities for communication and awareness is upgraded;

3. Digitalization of the services and administration of the INSS increased, with special attention to interoperability of systems;

4. Governance and administration in INSS shaped by international best practices;

5. INSS, Government and social partners knowledge on social protection and social insurance increased;

6. Consultation process among social partners strengthened.

The Project focuses particularly on the extension of social security as a mean to facilitate the transition to the formal economy, in conjunction with employment and formalization policies as well as improvement of the public finance management. The objectives and approaches of the Project are aligned with the approach of the Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transition, launched by the UN Secretary General in 2021.

Latest News

Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics
Sala Lançamento do Boletim de Estatísticas da Protecção Social Angola

Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics

Angola strengthens labour statistics to increase capacity to measure employment and labour underutilisation
Participantes Formação Estatísticas de Emprego

Angola strengthens labour statistics to increase capacity to measure employment and labour underutilisation

ILO promotes Round Table on Social Protection in Angola
Participante Mesa Redonda sobe Protecção Social em Angola

ILO promotes Round Table on Social Protection in Angola

INSS staff in Angola trained in simplifying bureaucratic processes
Group photo with women and men who attended the workshop

INSS staff in Angola trained in simplifying bureaucratic processes

ILO and UNDP build capacity for trade unions on Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction
Members of trade unions in the training on gender and reduction of poverty

ILO and UNDP build capacity for trade unions on Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction

ILO and UNDP carry out training in Project Management to reduce informality in Angola
Participantes da Formação sobre Gestão de Projectos

ILO and UNDP carry out training in Project Management to reduce informality in Angola


RTP Africa - Launch of the National Social Protection Journalism Prize
Journalism Prize

RTP Africa - Launch of the National Social Protection Journalism Prize

TPA - Round table on Social Protection in Angola
INSS Angola over the Round Table on Social Protection in Angola

TPA - Round table on Social Protection in Angola


1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics of Angola (Portuguese)


1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics of Angola (Portuguese)

ESSAFE Progress Report - 2023/2024

Project Report

ESSAFE Progress Report - 2023/2024

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