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Garment employees are seen leaving a clothing plant at the end of their working day in Bangladesh.

European Union - ILO Partnership

© Crozet M. / ILO

70 Projects

The European Union currently funds 70 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide

3rd in top 20

The European Union ranks 3rd in the ILO list of voluntary funding contributors in 2022-23

The European Union is a key partner of the ILO in advancing decent work and social justice worldwide.  

The ILO works closely with the European Commission Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, the directorate-general for International Cooperation and Partnerships and the directorate-general for Employment and social affairs as well as several European Union delegations in Asia on the promotion of fundamental principles and rights at work.   

The European Union actively promotes ending forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour and contributes to enhancing decent work and competitiveness in the global garment industry through Better work, as well as improving workers' rights and working conditions including in the agricultural sector, the fishing sector and the supply chains. 

For more information, see the European Union (EU) page.

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Projects funded by the European Union


The EU is a key donor to the Vision Zero Fund

The EU is a key donor to the Vision Zero Fund

Trade for Decent Work Project

Trade for Decent Work Project

Strengthening the Impact on Employment of Sector and Trade Policies (STRENGTHEN)

Strengthening the Impact on Employment of Sector and Trade Policies (STRENGTHEN)