Elementary school children in class

Europe and Central Asia

© Marcel Crozet/ILO

Europe and Central Asia region covers 51 countries. The ILO's relationship and cooperation with member countries of the region are facilitated by its presence in these countries through Decent Work Teams (DWT), Country Offices (CO), and National Coordinators, as follows:

  • Under the responsibility of the ILO DWT/CO in Moscow are the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
  • Under the responsibility of the ILO DWT/CO in Budapest are the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. This office also covers activities in Kosovo as defined by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).

The assistance provided by both the DWTs and the COs is largely based on technical advisory services, covering both policy and practical issues. They also play a leading role in the implementation of several important development cooperation projects. The overarching objective of ILO support to all these countries is to anchor decent work firmly as a national goal and to contribute to its realisation through the Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs).

51 countries

make up the region

Over 900 million people

live in Europe and Central Asia

70 projects

for development cooperation are currently carried out

Countries and offices in the region


Employment trends for youth in Europe and Central Asia
Alaaddin attending apprenticeship program in Konya under the Opportunities for Lives Project run by ILO Turkey Office. Through the referral to apprenticeship programme, the youth learn to stand on their own feet. It responds to the needs for qualified employees by our employers. Referred to apprenticeship training many youth move from school to work in a systematic approach that combines school-based education and instruction and are proud to become useful members of the society and integrate into social li


Employment trends for youth in Europe and Central Asia

Latest news and stories

ILO supports designing public works programmes for sustainable employment in Armenia
3 members of the panel sit in front of the screen with mics in hand during the high-level discussion on public works programmes (PWP) on 5 February 2025 in Armenia

ILO supports designing public works programmes for sustainable employment in Armenia

Employers’ organizations prepare to navigate emerging labour market trends through collective bargaining 
Employers organisation representative

Global Social Partners’ Academy

Employers’ organizations prepare to navigate emerging labour market trends through collective bargaining 


Local Employment Partnership Florești District, Republic of Moldova

Local Employment Partnership Florești District, Republic of Moldova

Kenya Joins Alliance 8.7 as a Pathfinder Country

A Bold Step to End Exploitation

Kenya Joins Alliance 8.7 as a Pathfinder Country


From Beans to Brew - A journey into the lives of coffee workers


From Beans to Brew - A journey into the lives of coffee workers

Picture of a book case.
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4 route des Morillons
CH-1211 Genève