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EU support to inclusive labour markets in the Republic of Moldova

The project aims to improve access to more and better employment opportunities in Moldova by providing capacity development to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the National Employment Agency to prevent and address labour market exclusion. Also, it will enhance the performance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the State Labour Inspectorate to improve working conditions and protect workers' rights.

Project details

1 November 2023 - 1 November 2025

European Union



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The project aims to improve access to more and better employment opportunities in Moldova by achieving:
  • Improved performance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MoLSP) and the National Employment Agency (NEA) to prevent and address labour market exclusion.
  • Enhanced performance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) to improve working conditions and protect workers' rights.
The improved the institutional capacity of MoLSP and NEA will help to deliver on the objectives set forth by the employment policy framework. This includes diversifying employment services and programmes; expanding individualized service delivery; enhancing performance management system and improving the in-house training system for NEA staff.

The second objective focuses on improved capacity of SLI to deliver on its state control mandate. This means reviewing legal frameworks and internal policies; planning strategic inspection visits; improving the training system for SLI staff; upgrading SLI procedures and information system; collaborating closely with the social partners, as well as providing material support.

ILO will deliver the necessary support, in terms of advocacy, technical assistance, relevant methodologies and tools to ensure that the capacities of NEA and SLI are improved in alignment with the institutional assessments, as well as relevant international labour standards and relevant ILO policy guidance.

The Republic of Moldova obtained the EU candidate status in June 2022. The European Commission set out several conditions to be met by Moldova to advance on the path towards the EU membership. Reforming the public administration system is one of the requirements. The ILO action will contribute towards achieving this objective through its support to NEA and SLI.

The intervention is also aligned with the priorities that the Government of Moldova and its social partners have expressed in the Decent Work Country Programme 2021-2024 (DWCP)