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Entrepreneurship Training for Youth in Ukraine

This intervention aims to create more and better jobs targeting youth with low educational attainment and/or limited work experience. Youth will receive training in entrepreneurship to equip them with skills and up-to-date knowledge to start their own businesses. The project will strengthen the role of the Public Employment Service (PES) of Ukraine and TVET schools as main facilitators of the administrators of the training.

Project details

1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020

Government of the Czech Republic


Ms Judith Dongus, Junior Professional Officer, Enterprise development and job creation through budapest@ilo.org

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Youth unemployment in Ukraine remains a challenge despite an increase in overall employment rates. According to the 2019 Labour Force Survey (LFS), 80.1 percent of those unemployed are young people between the ages of 15-24.

Entrepreneurship provides an opportunity to create jobs through self-employment. Therefore, the ILO offers entrepreneurship training specially tailored to youth between 18 to 24 years of age. In total, 52 representatives from the Public Employment Services and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools receive a Training of Trainers (ToT). This ToT is nationwide to ensure as large a coverage as possible.

The trainers are trained in the ILO’s “Biz-Up: Self-employment skills for young people” methodology which enables counsellors and facilitators to form young people’s entrepreneurial skills. The Biz-Up methodology has been used effectively since 2007 in several countries. It is a step-by-step guidance to enhance young people’s understanding of self-employment through explaining the basic concepts related to setting up an enterprise. Once counsellors and facilitators have been trained, they shall train young people all over the country on the basic concepts of entrepreneurship.