Man wearing hard hat while constructing metal structure.

Employment Impact Assessment

Man wearing hard hat while constructing metal structure. © @ILO/M. Crozet

The ILO provides policy advice to constituents on employment policies at macro, meso and micro levels. This policy advice is guided by the principles of the ILO as enshrined in relevant Conventions and Recommendations. At the same time, policy advice should be agile and responsive to different scenarios, and therefore have at hand ready-to-be-applied tools and methods for assessing impact, so as to improve understanding of what works, when, where and how.

To effectively assess employment policies, investments and other interventions, different methods and approaches may be needed before, during and after implementation. The ILO’s approach is called Employment Impact Assessment, and involves a variety of impact assessment tools for its evidence-based policy development – both qualitative and quantitative, ex ante and ex post, macro, sectoral and micro. All these dimensions are relevant for assessing the success of interventions which include, though are not limited to:

  • Active labour market programmes
  • Sectoral policy
  • Macro policies
  • Investment projects, particularly in infrastructure
  • Legislative proposals or reforms

Key Reference
