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EESE tripartite workshop in Centrafrican Republic - 5 November 2021.

The tripartite partners, under the Joint Consultative Commission for Improving Business Environment, confirm their support for promoting an enabling environment and improving key barriers, as identified in the ILO Report and Action plan.

26 November 2021

The workshop was organized on November 5, 2021 by the Prime Minister office, acting under its function of Permanent Secretary of the Joint Consultative Commission for Improving Business Environment, and with support from the ILO. It discussed the draft action plan, elaborated based on the EESE Report. During the workshop, the participants validated the recommendations and committed to move ahead in the implementation of the actions in the areas of: peace and political stability, social dialogue, respect of human rights and international labour standards, trade and sustainable regional integration, enabling legal and regulatory environment, access to financial services, physical infrastructure, entrepreneurial culture, education training and lifelong learning.