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Doing business with the ILO

20 November 2009

Content also available in: español français

Procurement notices

The ILO advertises current and future solicitations via procurement notices published on the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM)  website and the ILO Procurement website. To view all notices published on this website, please follow the links provided at the foot of the procurement home page .

Equitable, fair and open competition is enshrined as a guiding principle of procurement at the ILO. It is in the interests of the Organization that all eligible vendors are given an opportunity to submit tenders for ILO contracts. All ILO staff involved in procurement actions are responsible for upholding the integrity and transparency of procurement processes.

Contract awards

To review recent contract awards, please follow the links provided at the foot of the procurement home page .


For some projects, the ILO may publish invitations to prequalify for bidding on particular contracts. To prequalify for such contracts, vendors may be asked to demonstrate that they meet set financial and technical criteria. Criteria are designed to establish whether vendors are capable of satisfactorily performing particular ILO contracts and typically focus on the experience, reputation, past performance, technical capacity, and financial position of the company or other entity applying for prequalification.

Selection of Vendors

The ILO uses a range of methods to identify potential vendors for business opportunities. In some cases, the ILO may publish invitations for Expressions of Interest. Other vehicles used by the Organization to source potential vendors include: