Disciplinary actions

16 January 2025

The purpose of this page is to provide information as to how the ILO Director General exercises his authority in disciplinary matters under Chapter XII of the ILO Staff Regulations, in order to increase the level of transparency and accountability in the administration of conduct issues.

The ILO has zero tolerance for all proscribed practices, which include fraud, corruption, coercion, collusion, and unethical and obstructive practices. It also has zero tolerance for acts of sexual exploitation and abuse as well as harassment and is determined to ensure that all staff members and all beneficiaries of ILO assistance do not suffer, directly or indirectly, from sexual exploitation and abuse or harassment.

Pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 12.3 of the Staff Regulations, when informed of facts liable to give rise to disciplinary action, the Director-General may decide to apply the disciplinary measure of a written censure without consulting the Disciplinary Committee. Should a more severe disciplinary measure be considered, the Director-General shall refer the case promptly to the Disciplinary Committee.

The procedure for the application of a disciplinary sanction is outlined in article 12.3 of the Staff Regulations which entered into force as from 31 October 2023. Pursuant to article 12.4 of the Staff Regulations, disciplinary measures may take the form of one or more of the following: 

  • a written censure; 
  • withholding of an increment for a specified period; 
  • loss of one or more steps in grade; 
  • suspension without salary; 
  • a fine; 
  • demotion; 
  • dismissal; 
  • summary dismissal.

Please note that until 31 October 2023, Chapter XII of the Staff Regulations provided that disciplinary measures could take the following forms:

  • written warning;
  • written reprimand;
  • written censure;
  • discharge;
  • summary dismissal

The following provides a comprehensive overview of all cases involving findings of misconduct, (sexual) harassment and fraudulent practices within the ILO since 2022. It serves as an important resource for tracking the Office's efforts to address and resolve these serious issues, ensuring accountability and transparency in the handling of such cases.

Category: Harassment

Perpetrator: Senior Level Female – Victim: Several staff

Location: Field

Date of Decision: October 2024

The Official harassed multiple staff under her responsibility and abused her authority as Country Office Director, they misused Office resources and committed other acts of misconduct.

Disciplinary action: Suspension of one month without pay and written censure         

Administrative measure: In light of the fact that the official was not suitable to occupy a managerial position, they were redeployed to a technical position corresponding to their field of expertise.


Category: Sexual Harassment

Perpetrator: National Officer Male – Victim: External Female

Location: Field

Date of Decision: October 2024

It was established that the official sexually harassed a woman not employed by the ILO. The official's behaviour was inappropriate but not extremely aggressive and that the official and the woman did not know each other before he contacted her, that their interactions remained virtual and that their virtual and phone communication lasted over a short period. 

Disciplinary action: Loss of one step and written censure


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing-Abuse of position of trust-inappropriate use of IT resources/networks 

Perpetrator: P staff (1-4) Male 

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: October 2024

The Official installed on an ILO laptop the unauthorized non-standard software LINUX; they used an unauthorized non-standard anonymising software; they used ILO IT equipment without an anti-virus protection; they removed the ILO-asset from the ILO Active Directory; and they prevented access to this ILO IT equipment by entering an additional password. 

The case was not referred to the Disciplinary Committee.

Disciplinary action: Written censure  


Category: Harassment

Perpetrator: P staff (1-4) Male - Victim: P staff (1-4) Male

Location: Field

Date of Decision: October 2024

One harassment allegation against one official was substantiated in that they made discriminatory comments based on sexual orientation, gender identity and origin.

Administrative measure: In light of the Joint Advisory Appeals Board's report, the Director-General issued the official concerned a written warning and request him to undergo appropriate training.


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing - Breach of local laws

Perpetrator: P staff (1-4) Male 

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: October 2024

The Official breached the local traffic regulations and refused to cooperate with the police.   

The case was not referred to the Disciplinary Committee.

Disciplinary action: Written censure


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing- Making fraudulent Statements - Recruitment irregularities

Perpetrator: P staff (1-4) Male 

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: July 2024

The official declared in the application form that they possessed the qualifications required to fill the post they were ultimately appointed to, when this was not the case.

Disciplinary action: Dismissal              


Category: Harassment

Perpetrator: National Officer Female – Victim: National Officer Female

Location: Field

Date of Decision: July 2024

The official made recurrent negative comments, gossip, and ridicule about their supervisor to a colleague and made recurrent negative comments about their supervisor in their performance appraisals.

The case was not referred to the Disciplinary Committee.

Disciplinary action: Written censure

Administrative measure: The official was placed under the supervision of another official


Category: Sexual Harassment

Perpetrator: Senior Level Male – Victim : Senior Level Female

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: July 2024

The official made several inappropriate comments, attempted to kiss on the mouth their victim in an elevator and further followed their victim in a persistent manner in spite of their clear indications that they were not welcome. 

Disciplinary action: Disciplinary proceedings were initiated. The disciplinary measure of Dismissal was proposed. As the official resigned during the course of the disciplinary proceedings, they were not imposed any disciplinary measure. The record of the matter has been placed in the official’s personal file as well as in the UN Screening Database “clearcheck”.        


Category: Non financial wrongdoing-Abuse of position of trust-inappropriate behaviour         

Perpetrator: Senior level Male  

Location : Field

Date of Decision : May 2024

The official assisted or drafted on behalf of a national Trade Union a request for technical support submitted to the ILO. He subsequently sought and obtained support from an external individual. This individual, upon request of the official, reviewed, without receiving any remuneration, a technical note prepared by the ILO.

Disciplinary action: Written censure


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing-Abuse of position of trust-inappropriate behaviour        

Perpetrator: National Officer Male 

Location: Field

Date of Decision: May 2024

The Official acted inappropriately when supporting a colleague in treating and responding to a request received from a national trade union.

Disciplinary action: Disciplinary proceedings were initiated. The official concerned was not issued any disciplinary measure, but a warning.


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing-Breach of local laws                       

Perpetrator: P Staff (1-4) Female

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: May 2024

A national Court found that the official was guilty of having employed “a foreign national without a work permit” for almost two years and a half. The outcome of this judgment was published in local newspapers, mentioning that an ILO official was concerned.

Disciplinary action: Fine in an amount of 2 000 CHF


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing - Inappropriate conduct 

Perpetrator: P Staff (1-4) Female

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: May 2024

The Official concerned had a confrontational communication style, failed to perform duties which were specifically assigned to them, refused to accept their organizational setting and hierarchy, refused to accept HRD's authority and made continuous defamatory statements and malicious claims against the Office and its representatives.

Disciplinary action: Dismissal              


Category: Fraudulent and other Proscribed Practices - Making fraudulent Statements -Falsely claiming dependency benefits

Perpetrator: G staff  Male

Location: Field

Date of Decision: April 2024

The official submitted falsified school attendance certificates to support their claims for family benefits. They were never paid any benefits.

Disciplinary action: Suspension of three months without salary


Category : Fraudulent and other Proscribed Practices - Making fraudulent Statements -Falsely claiming installation grants

Perpetrator: P staff (1-4) Male

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: January 2024

A young official was recruited under a one year fixed-term contract. They did not travel to the duty station as required and used telework to conceal their whereabouts. Furthermore, they claimed installation grant whilst pretending to be in the duty station. They also breached the FWA policy and used excessive and undeclared telework.

Disciplinary action: Disciplinary proceedings were initiated, but no disciplinary measure was imposed as the official's appointment had expired pending the case’s review.

Administrative measure: the record of the matter was placed in the official’s personal file.


Category: Harassment

Perpetrator: National Officer Male – Victim: National Officer Female

Location: Field

Date of Decision: November 2023

The official’s behaviour during a meeting was found to be inappropriate. They isolated the victim from their colleagues and requested them to work while on sick leave. Furthermore, the official sent an email about ethical behaviours targeted at the victim and fabricated stories about them.

Disciplinary action: Reprimand


Category: Fraudulent and other Proscribed Practices - Making fraudulent Statements - Abuse of position of trust

Perpetrator: G Staff Male

Location: Field

Date of Decision: November 2023

The Official submitted forged documents and made fraudulent statements with a view to obtaining personal gain and misappropriation of SHIF funds. The Official was absent from the duty station without authorisation and proper security clearance, in breach of the COVID-19 local Teleworking arrangements. Due to his absence, the official shared his ILO password with another to gain access to the ILO network

Disciplinary action: Summary dismissal         


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing-Abuse of position of trust-breach of confidentiality        

Perpetrator: G Staff Male 

Location: Field

Date of Decision: August 2023

The Official abused his position as an IT Administrator to commit acts of misconduct: he accessed a colleague’s data without their knowledge or consent, he used the information acquired illegally to obtain information related to two IAO investigations and he shared this information with a colleague.

Disciplinary action: Disciplinary proceedings were initiated, discharge was proposed, but no disciplinary measure was imposed as the official's appointment had expired pending the case’s review.


Category: Sexual Harassment

Perpetrator: G-Staff Male – Victim: National Officer Female

Location: Field

Date of Decision: June 2023

The official concerned made comments of a sexual nature to the victim, they made inappropriate and humiliating comments about the victim in front of colleagues on one occasion, they used an insulting term to call the victim and that they spoke to the victim with disrespect on some occasions.

Disciplinary action: In light of the Joint Advisory Appeals Board's report, the official was imposed the disciplinary measure of written censure.


Category: Harassment

Perpetrator: Senior level Female – Victim: P staff (1-4) Female

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: June 2023

It was determined that the behaviour the official displayed in one occasion amounted to harassment.

Disciplinary action: in light of the Joint Advisory Appeals Board's report, the official was imposed the disciplinary measure of reprimand.


Category: Fraudulent and other Proscribed Practices - Making fraudulent Statements - Falsely claiming rental subsidy                

Perpetrator: Senior level Female – Victim 

Location: Field

Date of Decision: May 2023

An official failed to declare that they were receiving overpayment of rental subsidy. Their actions were found to be negligent and dishonest.

Disciplinary action: Reprimand

Administrative measures: The Official was not appointed to a higher post they were in the process of being granted. The overpayment was recovered.


Category: Sexual Harassment 

Perpetrator: National Officer Male – Victim: External Female

Location: Field

Date of Decision: February 2023

The official was found to have sexually harassed a staff member of an implementing partner in that he telephoned her outside office hours during a mission, hugged her as a greeting and held her hand.

Disciplinary Action: Written censure 


Category: Fraudulent and other Proscribed Practices - Inappropriate conduct

Perpetrator: G Staff Male 

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: November 2022

The official used an Office sim-card in their personal mobile device, which led to significant charges at the Office’s expenses.  The Official assumed full responsibility for the costs.

Disciplinary action: Written censure

Administrative measures: All the phone charges were recovered from the terminal payments due to the official when he separated from the Office.      


Category: Fraudulent and other Proscribed Practices - Making fraudulent Statements -Falsely claiming teleworking

Perpetrator: Senior Level

Location: Headquarters

Date of Decision: May 2022

The Official did not inform the Office of their departure from Geneva and teleworked from Spain without any authorization between 1 July 2021 and 31 March 2022. 

Disciplinary action: no disciplinary measure was imposed as the official resigned pending the case’s review.

Administrative measure: The official agreed to repay the Office the sum of 43,362.17 US Dollars, corresponding to the difference between the post adjustment for Geneva and the post adjustment for Madrid for the period concerned.


Category: Fraudulent and other proscribed practices - Making fraudulent Statements - Abuse of position of trust

Perpetrator: G Staff Female 

Location: Headquarters

Date of decision: April 2022

The official submitted altered claims to the SHIF and she misused an ILO asset for their personal benefit, in that they used an ILO "PAID" stamp on the receipts before submitting them to SHIF to expedite reimbursement. There was no evidence that either actual or attempted fraud was committed, but this misuse of the ILO "PAID" stamp for their own personal benefit was ill-advised as it created a breach of trust between them and the Office.

Disciplinary action: Warning


Category: Non-financial wrongdoing - Inappropriate conduct 

Perpetrator: G Staff Male 

Location: Field

Date of Decision: March 2022

The official accepted a financial gift from a one-time supplier of IT equipment to the ILO, used ILO assets (laptops and network) and user identities of former staff/consultant(s), to access pornographic sites on the internet, including some displaying "bestiality” and unlawfully practiced an outisde activity for pecuniary gain, without the proper authorization of his supervisor

Disciplinary action: Summary dismissal         

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