Decent Work
Decent Work Country Programme, Belize 2024-2029
The Belize Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2029 sets out the common commitment of the Government of Belize, workers' and employers' organizations, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to promote decent work. The ILO has a long standing programme of cooperation with its constituents in Belize, including the implementation of the previous DWCP, signed in 2009. This DWCP reaffirms the commitment of all partners to ensure that decent work is at the heart of national development in Belize.
During the period 2024-2029, the ILO will work in partnership with the Government of Belize and the social partners to address national decent work challenges. The ILO's approach reflects the development of a 'new generation' of DWCPs that aim to align closely wo both national and international development goals and facilitate partnerships to achieve meaningful change. Activities and results identified in the DWCP are based on clear theories of change, developed through consultation with Belizean constituents.