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Debriefing / Bid Protest Mechanism

22 May 2017

The ILO is committed to ensure that all its bidding processes are conducted in a fair and transparent manner. A vendor who participated in a formal ILO solicitation process and believes that he/she has been treated unjustly or unfairly, or who would simply like to receive clarifications on his/her unsuccessful proposal (“debriefing”), must submit a request by email to pcrt@ilo.org, within ten (10) business days after receiving the ILO notification  of regret. PROCUREMENT will contact the vendor upon receipt of his/her request and will invite him/her to a debriefing session.

Debriefing Process

The purpose of the debriefing is to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of his/her proposal. If the vendor believes he/she has been treated unjustly or unfairly this debriefing will hopefully shed lights on the rational of the ILO decision. The ILO will not disclose any technical or financial information related to offers received by other vendors who participated to the solicitation, nor the evaluation scores or other details from the tender process.

Debriefing will normally be conducted via teleconference by the Procurement Officer in charge of the relevant solicitation at an agreed time with the vendor.
Should the vendor not be satisfied with the clarifications provided during the debriefing, he/she may file a protest to the Chief, PROCUREMENT in the way described below.

Bid Protest

A vendor who is not satisfied with the debriefing outcome, may lodge a complaint to the ILO Chief, PROCUREMENT, by sending an email to bidprotest@ilo.org
The protest must be sent within ten (10) business days after the debriefing has taken place. The ILO will acknowledge receipt of the protest.
In his/her protest, the vendor must provide the following information:
  1. Its name, address, telephone number, fax number and email;
  2. The solicitation number and title, the contracting office and the name of the officer who has been leading the tender process;
  3. The date of debriefing; and
  4. The reasons for the protest together with copy of any documentation in support of the allegations.
The Chief, PROCUREMENT will perform a receivability review of the claim to determine if it was timely and correctly submitted and complies with the requirements set out above. The vendor will be notified whether the claim is receivable in writing within ten (10) business days after receipt of the protest. A decision rejecting the receivability of the protest is final and not subject to further appeal or recourse.

If the protest is deemed receivable, the ILO will conduct an inquiry to determine its merits. The vendor will be notified of the ILO decision as soon as it is available. The decision on the merits of the claim is final and not subject to further appeal or recourse.

Allegations of Misconduct or Fraud

Allegations of misconduct or fraud must be addressed by the vendor to the ILO Treasurer and Financial Comptroller TR/CF (email: TRCF@ilo.org) and to the ILO Chief, Internal Auditor Office (email: IAO@ilo.org). The allegations will be investigated in accordance with ILO’s investigating procedures.