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Cross-cutting areas

Cross-cutting areas reflect core ILO values that cut across all EII thematic areas and are integrated into all EII projects. These values strengthen the unique approach that EIIP has developed over the past half century. 

Key EII cross-cutting areas include:

  • Gender equality
  • Social inclusion and reaching vulnerable groups
  • Environmental and social safeguards
  • Working conditions and Occupational Safety and Health
  • Skills development
  • Social dialogue

The resources listed below provide practical guidance on how these core ILO values can be integrated into EII activities.

Key guides

Illustrated guidelines for gender-responsive employment intensive investment programmes

Illustrated guidelines for gender-responsive employment intensive investment programmes

Environmental and social safeguards guidelines

Environmental and social safeguards guidelines

Basic safety and health guidelines for rural road works

Basic safety and health guidelines for rural road works

ILO guide for skills development in Employment-Intensive Investment Programmes

ILO guide for skills development in Employment-Intensive Investment Programmes

Employment-intensive infrastructure programmes : labour policies and practices

Employment-intensive infrastructure programmes : labour policies and practices