Country programme evaluations

Independent high-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s post-conflict and recovery work in the Arab States region with emphasis on Iraq and Yemen, 2019-23  

19 September 2023

The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the ILO's post-conflict and recovery work in the Arab States region with emphasis on Iraq and Yemen, 2019-23. It also seeks to contribute to organizational learning by identifying lessons learned and emerging good practices.

High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s programme of work in Central Asia (2018–22)  

28 September 2022

The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the ILO's programme of work in Central Asia from 2018-22, how well they achieved them and under what conditions. It also seeks to contribute to organizational learning by identifying lessons learned and emerging good practices.

High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Programme in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, 2018-21 

07 October 2021

The purpose of the evaluation is to determine how well the ILO’s programmes have achieved the Decent Work Agenda in the four selected South Asian countries during 2018-21. Given the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the evaluation includes consideration of the ILO’s support to countries to address emergent decent work challenges. The evaluation examines the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the programmes, how well they achieved them and under what conditions. It also seeks to contribute to organizational learning by identifying lessons learned and emerging good practices.

High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Programme in the Andean Countries of The Plurinational State of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 2016-2019 

29 October 2020

The purpose of the evaluation is to determine how well the Andean countries achieved the planned outcomes laid out in their respective action programmes, how they achieved them, and under what conditions. The evaluation also seeks to contribute to organizational learning by identifying lessons learned and emerging good practices. This information will inform future ILO strategy.

Independent high-level evaluation of the ILO’s programme of work in four selected member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) (Lesotho, Madagascar, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania) 2014–18 

01 October 2019

Independent evaluation of ILO’s programme of work in Lebanon and Jordan in Terms of Decent Work and the Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, 2014-2018 

11 October 2018

This high-level evaluation evaluation examines the ILO’s work in Lebanon and Jordan. The main purpose of the evaluation is to validate the achievement of results and the ILO’s contribution towards national development objectives, decent work, and the response to the Syrian refugee crisis from 2014-18. The evaluation assessed their relevance to country needs, coherence and validity, effectiveness and efficiency, the impact of the results and the potential for sustainability.

Independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programme strategies and actions in the Mekong subregion, 2012-2017 

17 October 2017

ILO Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) are the primary framework for delivering support to member countries in an effort to promote decent work as a key national development strategy. This high-level evaluation assesses the extent to which the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programmes, strategies and actions that were delivered in the Mekong subregion from 2012-17 achieved their expected results. It also identifies recommendations, lessons learned and emerging good practices in order to contribute to organizational leaning by informing future DWCPs and strategies.

Independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programmes, strategies and actions in the Western Balkans (2012-15)  

18 October 2016

ILO Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) are the primary framework for delivering support to member countries in an effort to promote decent work as a key national development strategy. This high-level evaluation assesses the extent to which the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programmes, strategies and actions that were delivered in the Western Balkans region from 2012-15 achieved their expected results. It also identifies recommendations, lessons learned and emerging good practices in order to contribute to organizational leaning by informing future DWCPs and strategies. The evaluation analyses five DWCPs in Albania, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programmes, strategies and actions in the Caribbean (2010-15)  

27 October 2015

The objective of the high-level evaluation (HLE) of the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs), strategies and actions in the Caribbean (2010–2015), as expressed in the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the assignment, was to assess whether the ILO’s DWCPs, strategies and actions are effectively serving as instruments through which to achieve the Decent Work Agenda (DWA), in order to extract lessons that would lead to: (i) improved country programme planning and implementation; (ii) improved organizational effectiveness; (iii) better accounting for results; (iv) strengthened synergies among the ILO’s technical advice and technical cooperation (TC) activities; (v) application of lessons learned in future programmes and projects; and (vi) identification of approaches to better support the achievement of the areas of critical importance (ACIs) identified as priorities by the national tripartite constituents of these countries and other development partners.

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme Strategies and Activities in North Africa 2010-2013  

30 October 2014

This high-level evaluation (HLE) is the first cluster evaluation of the ILO’s decent work strategies and activities in the North African sub region. The evaluation assesses the Office’s support to the Governments and social partners in Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia in their efforts to address decent work deficits. This has involved the evaluation of sub regional strategic priorities, country strategies and “roadmaps,” technical cooperation (TC) projects and technical assistance (TA) activities carried out during 2010–13. The overarching question of the evaluation is whether ILO strategies and actions have effectively supported national constituents’ priorities and efforts to fill decent work gaps.

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme Strategies and Activities in North Africa 2010-2013 - Volume II 

29 October 2014

Contains the annexes of case studies on Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia.

Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy to promote decent work in the Arab region: A cluster evaluation of Jordan, Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territory 

18 October 2013

The decent work strategies and priorities identified in Jordan, Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territory are aligned with the priority areas identified in the AEF Action Agenda as well as with the priorities of national development plans. However, a multitude of national development frameworks (for instance, in Jordan and the occupied Palestinian territory) or the lack of one (such as in Lebanon) pose challenges in aligning priorities and strategies. The evaluation consolidates findings across the three geographic areas and presents recommendations and lessons learned for future programming in the region.

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme for India: 2007-2012 (Vol. 1: Main Report) 

19 October 2012

This evaluation, consisting of a desk review, independent evaluation mission, key stakeholder consultations and interviews, was conducted from December 2011 to April 2012. The independent evaluation assesses the performance of the ILO’s activities in India, provides accountability to the ILO Governing Body, and highlights the lessons learnt about factors affecting the ILO’s performance and development impact.

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme for India: 2007-2012 (Vol. 2 Annexes) 

19 October 2012

Contains case studies on the following subjects: Converging Against Child Labour: Supporting India’s Model; Reducing Vulnerability to Bondage in India through Promotion of Decent Work; The ILO’s Role in Policy Formulation: The Case of National Employment Policy (draft) in India; Promoting Decent Work by Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises in India: SCORE; Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the World of Work: A Tripartite Response; and Promoting Decent Work for Domestic Workers in India

Independent evaluation of the ILO's support to the Bahia Decent Work Agenda: 2008-2010 (Brazil) 

25 October 2011

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ILO’s support to the Bahia Decent Work Agenda (BDWA) – the first subnational decent work agenda worldwide – especially the period 2008–2010. Bahia is considered to be one of the States with the largest decent work deficit in Brazil in terms of child and forced labour, inequalities in the workplace, and domestic work exploitation.

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme for the United Republic of Tanzania 2004-2010 

28 October 2010

The period under review included the 2004-2005 country programmes and the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for 2006-2010. The evaluation also reviewed the ILO’s participation in the pilot United Nations Delivering as One (DAO) Joint Programme on wealth creation, employment and economic empowerment (JP1), for which the ILO is the Managing Agent.

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme for Kyrgyzstan: 2006-2009 

28 October 2010

The evaluation reviews the ILO’s performance throughout the period 2006–2009. During this period, 40 ILO projects were implemented. 2. The evaluation focuses on the ILO’s strategic positioning in the country; its approach to setting an ILO agenda; as well as the composition, implementation and evolution of ILO national strategies as they relate to the Decent Work Agenda.

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme for Indonesia: 2006-2009 

29 October 2009

This report presents analyses, findings and recommendations of the independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) in Indonesia, conducted in early 2009. The DWCP is managed and delivered through the ILO Office in Jakarta. The evaluation reviews ILO’s performance from 2006 to 2009. During this period, 40 ILO projects were implemented with a total value of over US$70 million. The evaluation focuses on the ILO’s strategic positioning in the country, its approach to setting an ILO agenda, as well as the composition, implementation, and evolution of ILO national strategies as they relate to the Decent Work Agenda.

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: 2002-2007 

21 October 2008

This report presents analysis, findings and recommendations from the independent evaluation of the International Labour Office’s (ILO) country programme for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2002-2007. The review period covers the implementation of ten ILO projects and technical advisory services with a total value of US$8,800,129. Within the context of the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), the ILO developed another three pipeline projects, two of which began implementation in 2008.

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme for Zambia: 2001-2007 

21 October 2008

This report highlights the main findings, conclusions and recommendations based on an independent evaluation of ILO’s support for Zambia from 2001 to 2007. It includes an assessment of approaches taken, progress being made against country-level strategies and outcomes, and lessons learned to inform future strategy development of the Zambia Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP): 2007-2010. The evaluation also focuses on ILO’s positioning vis-à-vis constituents, UN partner agencies and the broader national development context, and includes recommendations to strengthen the ILO’s contribution to Zambia.

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme to Ukraine: 2000-2006 

01 September 2007

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme for Argentina: 2001-2006 

01 September 2007

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme to the Philippines: 2000-2005 

01 November 2006

Independent Evaluation of the ILO's Country Programme to the Philippines: 2000-2005 

01 September 2006

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High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s programme of work in Central Asia (2018–22)

High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s programme of work in Central Asia (2018–22)

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme for India: 2007-2012 (Vol. 1: Main Report)

Independent evaluation of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme for India: 2007-2012 (Vol. 1: Main Report)

High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Programme in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, 2018-21

High-level independent evaluation of the ILO’s Decent Work Programme in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, 2018-21